Chapter VIII "Secret date"

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Chapter VIII “Secret date”

Until Hermione had to go, they played board games and card games and after they brought Hermione home Arnica had left to Lyra's house by floo powder. Bill had spent the night with Avalea because he wanted to spend as much alone time together as he could and Ava didn’t complain because she always enjoyed his company. They discussed their date some more and decided to keep it a secret at first, while they discovered if there was more to their relationship. The night went by and the day had come, the day of their date. Bill had apparated home to change his clothes and freshen up and he then wanted to come back. Avalea took a shower and then proceeded to go to her room to choose an outfit. She put on muggle clothes, a summer dress because it was getting quite hot that day. She put on some matching earrings, a necklace and matching shoes. She checked herself in the mirror and nodded approvingly. Just then she heard a crack outside of her apartment door and took a couple of deep breaths to ease her nerves. She grabbed her purse she prepared and went to open the door after she heard knocking. She was very nervous and it only got worse with every minute. She looked in the mirror once more and then opened the door to a nervously smiling Bill in a muggle button up shirt and some casual fancy bottoms. They smiled brightly at each other.

“Ready for our first date?” Bill said, increasing the nervousness in Avalea.

“Wow that just puts the pressure on it but I am positive that I am.” She laughed.

“You look beautiful, as you always do.” He complimented her.

“Thank you, you look very handsome yourself.” Avalea complimented back. Bill offered his arm to her as she stepped out of her apartment and locked her door. She smiled and accepted his arm. They walked towards the restaurant where they wanted to eat before the theatre. Bill had never been to a muggle movie theatre before so Ava was excited to see his reaction and experience it together. They hadn’t exactly planned to go to a specific restaurant, Avalea had one in mind but she decided to just choose on the way. She led the way to the theatre and talked about everything and nothing. About Egypt, about her creatures, about their date and about the surroundings they passed until they stopped at a nice yet cosy looking restaurant. They entered the nearly empty restaurant and were greeted with a smile from a passing waitress. She escorted them to a table and they sat down and looked into the menu.

“When do you go back to Egypt?” Avalea asked a little afraid of the answer.

“In a couple of weeks. Two to be exact.” Bill said sadly. Ava smiled sadly at him.

“Well then we should make the most out of the time we got left.” She said smiling, taking his hand in hers. He smiled back and they chose their food.

“Charlie is actually leaving as well, this week.” Bill said and Ava looked sad. It felt like they barely get to see each other anymore.

“That’s sad, maybe before he leaves, we can spend a day together, the whole group. After all New Years is still half a year away.” Ava said smiling.

“Maybe, it certainly was easier when we were all still at school.” Bill said sighing just as the waitress came and took their order. They kept talking until their food came. They reminisced in old school stories and laughed all throughout dinner, even embarrassing things which they confessed to each other.

“Do you remember Kathy? She had a crush on me and we kind of went out a few times.” Bill asked.

“Of course I do, I imagined her disappearing and various other accidents that could have happened to her all throughout fourth to fifth year.” Avalea said, smiling innocently.

“Oh, did you now? Well I didn’t want to go out with her back then and told her Charlie had a crush on her. She believed me and then started to obsess over Charlie, just because I had a huge crush on you.” He confessed, scratching his neck.
Ava laughed. “I remember him hiding from her for the rest of the school year. Tonks and I had multiple laughing fits about this twelve-year-old running and hiding from this crazy fourteen-year-old.”

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