Chapter XXII "The Weasley's last day"

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Chapter XXII "The Weasley's last day"

The Weasley's stay came to a finish faster than everyone thought and the last adventure before they'd leave would be the Muggle town to buy some souvenirs. Ginny and Arnica had spent most of their holiday interning at the Magical Care sanctuary with Avalea and Charlie. While everyone still sat around the table one morning after a late breakfast Bill and Avalea gave each other a look of silent communication and just nodded before Bill started to speak.

"While everyone is still at the table, I would like to officially ask my brothers to be my Groomsmen." Bill asked.

"You already know what I said." Charlie replied and winked. Fred, George and Ron all replied a happy 'of course' but Percy stayed quiet for a little longer.

"I'd rather not, since I'm the Head Boy and it's my graduation I'll have no free time and have to stay at Hogwarts." Percy replied and Bill's face fell.

"You don't even want to attend your own brother's wedding, Percy?!" Avalea asked shocked.

"That's not it, I just don't have the time to, Avalea." Percy said with a little sneer in his voice. That and Bill's disappointed face was the last straw for her.

"That's not an excuse Percy. I know you don't like me for whatever reason and I don't need you to, either. I also get that your N.E.W.T.s are important, and that you will have to study quite a lot but your Head-Boy excuse is beyond unacceptable because guess what, Bill and I were Head Boy and Girl and we barely had to do anything during our Easter break except for patrolling which thankfully was taken over by the teachers since we had to study for our twelve N.E.W.T.s. We don't expect you to come for the entire break and you don't have to be a Groomsman if you don't want to and are okay with disappointing your brother like that but you will not break my soon-to-be-husbands heart by not attending at all. You can travel with Professor Dumbledore and his brother who only attend for the day, since they're close family friends but I expect you to be at the ceremony in a fancy rope by noon or I will hex you, like Fred and George never did before." Avalea said calmly although inside she was boiling with anger. "You are also not the only person at this table who has important exams coming up this year, your brothers and Arnica after all have their O.W.L.s this year too, plus their career talks with their head of house and neither of them complained or said they couldn't come." Everyone looked shocked at her except for Bill and Charlie who just smiled a little. Bill kissed her temple and whispered a thank you in her ear.

"Don't look at me Percy, I fully agree with her." Molly said.

Percy sighed, "I'll come, but I won't be a groomsman."

"Alright, thank you, Perce." Bill said.

"Avalea do you have to remove a bridesmaid now that Percy refused?" Ginny asked a little saddened.

"Well yes but also no, I originally wanted to ask Hermione to be a bridesmaid as well but now she'll be just a regular guest." Avalea explained and gave Ginny a wink to say her place is safe. Ginny sighed in relief. Everyone started to get ready to go into Muggle town. An hour and a half later everyone was ready and they left to go to town. Everyone was dressed appropriately in muggle clothes so they wouldn't look suspicious. Arnica wanted to get something for her friends and her parents, Fred and George wanted to get something for Lee and maybe get some inspiration. They travelled the muggle way to town with a very excited Arthur who asked questions about everything. They went sightseeing and bought souvenirs and stopped a couple times for ice cream or to drink something. After a few hours of sightseeing and a few purchases they went home again and Avalea and Molly prepared dinner together. They heard tapping on the window and Bill stood up to let their owls in. He took the letters and gave them treats. He gave his father, Avalea and Charlie their letters and opened his own. Molly shrieked as she read the letter over her husband's shoulder while Fred and George tried to catch a peak.

"How can that happen?" Molly asked.

"Are your letters saying the same as mine?" Avalea asked them.

"What is going on?" Arnica asked.

"Sirius Black, the mass murderer escaped Azkaban prison." Arthur Weasley said. Avalea had been quite little when the story broke about Sirius Black. He was from a pureblood family and thick as thieves with James and Lilly Potter. It was reported that Sirius Black killed Peter Pettigrew and 12 muggles in the process after he told Voldemort where the Potters were hiding. He was believed to have ratted them out and caused their death. However Avalea and her family didn't believe what was told, they were sure that they were missing part of the story. They had never told anyone what they thought, since it was just a gut feeling and they weren't completely sure. Arnica however didn't know any of her family's beliefs. When Sirius Black was sent to Azkaban after the Potters died, Avalea and Bill had only been 11 but she'd known Sirius through Tonks and Andromeda, who was born a Black and Sirius favourite cousin since she had been shunned because she married a Muggleborn wizard, Tonks' dad. Sirius on the other hand fled from the family since he didn't share their beliefs about Blood purity either. Something similar happened to Avalea's father, he was also a Pureblood, one of the only ones not related to the British 28 families including the Weasleys. Felias was born into the Irish Carlisle family and since the Carlisle's weren't too keen on the blood purity nonsense none of the British families wanted to associate with them, at least that's as much as Avalea knew although she thought there was more her father didn't tell her. She never knew his siblings or parents which apparently was because of a fight, she knew he had a brother and sister and saw a photo of his family once but didn't know their names.

"Who's Sirius Black?" Ron asked with a stuffed mouth.

"Don't speak with your mouth full, nobody you need to know about." Molly told her son sternly.

"Are you sure Molly, maybe if he'd know or maybe Percy it would help keep him safe?" Arthur asked his wife unsure.

"I already know dad, he killed 12 muggles." Percy told his dad and Avalea wanted to say something but sipped the last of her tea instead. Molly sent the kids away after everyone finished dinner and Fred & George, as a punishment for their actions during the day, washed the dishes. Arthur and Molly went outside to discuss the Sirius Black problem while Bill, Charlie and Avalea stood aside quiet.

"I've never heard them argue like this before." Charlie said and walked inside to plan the dragon transfer some more.

"I don't even remember what happened back then." Bill said.

"I do, Sirius Black was friends with the Potters and apparently told Voldemort where they were hiding and then he supposedly killed Peter Pettigrew and 12 muggles in the process." Avalea told him in a quiet tone since she didn't want to risk the kids overhearing otherwise. After about half an hour arguing they all went inside and went to get ready for bed.

"You seemed a little hesitant when you told me about Sirius Black." Bill told his fiancée after he came out of the shower. She showered before him and was still drying her hair with her wand.

Avalea sighed. "There's just a few too many holes in that story for me. He was James's best friend and Harry's godfather none the less. It doesn't seem logical to me that he would rat out his own godson to be killed, let alone his best friend. I would never, ever have done that for any of my friends. Plus the story about him killing Peter Pettigrew doesn't make sense to me either." Avalea explained.

"Sirius, when I met him visiting Andromeda and Tonks was so nice and babysat us a couple of times before I went to Hogwarts. He played with us and told us loads about his friends and gave me tips for Hogwarts. We adored him and then we were told what he supposedly did and for some reason I'm still in disbelief." Avalea added.

"You have a point but maybe since you knew him it's so hard to accept what he did or maybe there is a part of the story nobody knows." Bill told her and hugged her. He kissed her on the temple and then got dressed for bed.

"Well we might find out this year." Avalea sighed. She went to bed herself and fell asleep with Bill's arms around her.


I know it took me ages to update I'm very sorry. Life has been crazy busy lately and I got writer's block halfway into the chapter.

Enjoy, XX

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