Love, slipping away

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- After 5 months of happiness and snuggling -

Haruka and Tokiya have been together for about 9 and a half months now. They were both happy with their lives. They loved each other. They loved their friends. They wished nothing would change. But as everyone knows, nothing lasts forever. 

Its 7:30 in the morning on a Sunday. Everything is calm, Haruka sleeped over and Tokiya and Haruka are sleeping comfortably together. Except for the fact that Tokiya's phone starts ringing, and whoever is calling won't stop. 

Tokiya gets out of bed quietly, to avoid walking his sleeping beauty up. 

"Hello?" Tokiya says in a half sleepy half irritated tone.

" Ah! Tokiya! Its Shining! I have some great news! "

" Ugh! Can't this wait untill later! " Tokiya says angrily because this call put a halt on his sleeping time with Haruka.

" Oh! Mais non! This is an urgent matter and it will inquire you to make a big decision!" Shining said with his signature, dramatic tone.

" Fine. I'll be there at 8:15. "

" Ok, see you soon. "

With that both of them hung up and Tokiya climbed back into bed to spend another 10 minutes with Haruka.

- At Shinings office -

Tokiya got off the elevator and was now on the top floor of Shining Agency (Its Shining's agency's name). He walked up to the large wooden doors at the end of the hallway. As he was about to knock, the doors flung open. Inside was Shining dressed in a pure white kimono with waves of gold. He stepped through the doors which were closed right after by some of Shining's butlers.

" Come and sit Tokiya!" Shining said with a wave.

" Ok, what is it this time?" Tokiya said while sighing.

" Don't be like that! Well today I received an offer from my friend in Hollywood. He says he wants you to be the lead acter in a movie he is making. We leave in two weeks. Whats your answer?"

Tokiya just couldn't believe it! He would go to Hollywood and have a lead role! But what was the big decision Shining was talking about?

" You told me I would have to make a big decision, what is it?"

" Well...... if you go, you cannot bring anyone along and the movie will take about two years to finish. So you must choose between your life here and an opportunity in Hollywood. Of course if you choose the opportunity in Hollywood that would also mean giving up Haruka."

Tokiya didn't know what to do! He loved Haruka so much, but opportunities like this only come once in a lifetime. What should he do? What should he pick? 

" Tokiya, you should pick what wil give you the most happiness." Shining said seeing the distraught look on Tokiya's face

But to Tokiya, because he thought rationally and not about love, to him happiness was fortune and fame. And taking the opportunity in Hollywood would give him fortune and fame. That meant that he should give up Haruka.

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