Just a Little Reunion

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Hi guys! I'm so so so SOOOOO sorry about the wait! I was thinking about discontinuing this fanfic because it's been kind of hard to think about where to go from here. But, as I dislike giving up on things halfway through, I will probably finish this over time. Once again I'm sorry for the gap of time between the chapters and I hope that I can make up for it with the last chapters. Enjoy!

Short recap:

During their hot springs trip, Natsuki had turned into Satsuki and had "abducted" Haruka. Haruka, being who she is, did not really mind and went along with him. They spent the day going around the town and sightseeing. Once they finished, they returned to the hot springs only to find their worried friends who asked if Satsuki had done anything to Haruka, and in which case he had, they would have pulverized him. She reassured them and said he hadn't done a thing. She then turned to face Satsuki and miraculously got his glasses back on without a fight.


After all the events had passed, everyone was picked up by a shuttle bus ordered for them by Shining. It brought them back to their own homes and they were told to relax and take the next day off. Feeling tired, all of them, except Haruka and Otoya, did just that. Haruka and Otoya went home to find Hiro and Shining in the living room playing Monopoly. As soon as Hiro heard their footsteps, he ran to the door and jumped into their arms.

"Mommy! Daddy!" He said as he landed in their arms.

"Hi Hiro! I missed you soooo much!" Haruka said as she and Otoya put him down.

"Welcome back you two! I must be on my way, but have fun! Goodbye, despidida*!"

"Mommy! I stayed with Tomo baa* and I had a lot of fun! She taught me a lot about girls. " Hiro said and the whispered to his dad.

"Daddy, did you know that girls are really weird? Apparently, they like you if you give them flowers." 

"Ahahahaha!" Otoya laughed nervously and decided to change the subject.

"Oh yeah! Guess what!...... We brought back souvenirs for you!" Otoya said while showing him a big dark green bag. He showed it with an almost proud, content face, knowing that his son would love surprise gifts.

"Yay! Presents! What is it? Can I open them? Come on! Let's open them! Daaaddy!" Hiro was even more excited than before and couldn't wait to see what his parents had brought him.

"Ok, ok, but let's go to the living room first." Haruka said and they all headed over.

Otoya put the bag down on the floor and watched as Hiro's eyes started to gleam with excitement and anticipation. They all sat down in a small circle and gave Hiro the bag. He cautiously opened the bag, lifted the paper away, and inside, there was a small wooden boat that was carved to look like an old sail boat.

"It's a miniature boat that works like a real one! We can try it out at the pond in the park close by. What do you think?" Otoya said. He thought it would be fun for the both of them and he finally had the time to do it on his day off the next day.

"Yeah! My boat's gonna be the fastest boat ever!" Hiro said letting Haruka and Otoya see that they had chosen the right souvenir.

"Alright then! We can all go tomorrow, Otoya and I have the day off. I can make some food and we can have a picnic at the park next to the pond. How's that sound?" Haruka said as she thought up a list of foods that she would make for the picnic. All of Hiro's favourites.

Hiro nodded his head up and down quickly, showing how eager he was to go on a little family excursion. With that all settled, Haruka went to the kitchen to cook dinner, as it was already around 7:00PM. Hiro and his dad stayed in the living room, talking about what they had done, seen and learned these past three days. Otoya told Hiro how amazing the hot springs were and that maybe when Hiro became old enough, all three of them could go together next time. Then, Hiro told Otoya about what Tomo baa had taught him.

Hiro explained that girls are really weird. They were the same species as men, but thought completely different. 

"Tomo baa says that girls are smarter than boys. I don't know if that's true but it might be, because everyone says that mommy is smarter that daddy. Daddy, is it true?" Otoya didn't know how to respond to this question but tried to anyways.

"Well, I don't know if that's true either, mommy is definitely smarter than daddy. She knows how to cook, how to clean, how to do math, how to do anything really! Daddy doesn't know if it's true that girls are smarter than guys, but daddy knows he's lucky to have mommy." Otoya said, not realizing that Haruka could hear them from the kitchen and was thinking that she was in fact the lucky one to have such an amazing boyfriend.

Otoya looked at Hiro to see if his explanation, if it could even be called that, had satisfied him. Instead of satisfied, Hiro looked a little annoyed.

"Daddy! That doesn't explain anything! You're just telling me that you love mommy! I already know that! I want to know if girls are smarter than boys! Maybe I'll just ask mommy, because it seems like daddy's not smart enough." Otoya laughed at the fact that he hadn't realized his declaration of love for Haruka instead of an explanation to Hiro's question. Maybe Haruka was smarter.

*Despidida means farewell in Spanish

*Tomo baa= any name with baa means aunt or aunty in Japanese 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2016 ⏰

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