Love and friendship

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- Four months after graduation -

It has been four months since Haruka and Tokiya started going out. By now word of their relationship has reached everyone, even Shining. Tokiya and Haruka still live seperately, but Tokiya's apartment has now become Haruka's second home.

As Haruka and Tokiya snuggle together, Haruka's phone rings.

" Oh! Tokiya, I gotta get my phone" Haruka said as she tried to break free from Tokiya's arms.

" Awww... I'm sure the calls not important."

" No. Just let me get the call and I'll come right back!"

" Fiiiiine... but hurry"

Then Haruka quickly picked up her phone.

" Hello?"

" Hi Haruka! It's Otoya! I'm coming over with Tomo chan, ok?"

" Oh! Otoya! Yeah its fine, I'll start making dinner then!"

" Yay! Haruka's gonna cook for us! I'm starting to get hungry now!"

Even after the graduation all the members of Starish were still friends, but Haruka, Tomo chan, Otoya and Tokiya probably hung out the most. Although Tokiya knew that Otoya still had a crush on Haruka. 

- 15 mins later -

The  doorbell rung so Haruka wiped her hands on her apron and got the door. Only to meet six other unexpected guests along with the ones she'd been expecting. Surrounding the door was none other than all of Starish and Tomo chan.

" What are you all doing here?! I thought all of you had work? "

" Aww... did you not want to see us?" said Ren in a joking way.

" No! Of course not! I love seeing you guys! I just didn't expect you all to be here."

" Oh Haruka! While me and Tomo chan were on our way here, we bumped into them and they decided to come along!" Otoya said trying to explain the large party of superstars standing on her doorstep.

" Well thats fine. Come on in before someone sees you guys!"

As they walk inside they look around because only Otoya, Tomo chan and Syo had ever come over. As they sat down in the living room and started to talk, Haruka went back to the kitchen to try and prepare enough food for seven grown men and two ladies.

- 10 mins later -

" Diners ready! " said Haruka as she put the last of the platers down on the table. They all started to get up and Syo and Otoya ran to the table. 

" Yay! Haruka's the food looks so good! " says Otoya.

" Well of course it does! Its Haruka's cooking" Syo says matter-of-factly.

Right after Haruka sits down Tomo chan sits on her right and Otoya quickly steals the chair to her left. Seeing this, shocks everyone except for Haruka who thinks nothing of it. But Tokiya fumes with jealousy and glares at Otoya. He quickly notices it only to smirks and stick his tongue out at him, but no one except for Tokiya notices. Then Otoya puts his arm around Haruka's shoulders. Everyone is shocked but tries to ignore it, but they all look toward Tokiya who is looking down at his food stabbing his plate.

Haruka notices the awkwardness of the group and gets confused, paying no attention to Otoya's arm. She quickly gets up and says " minasan, I'm going to go get some beer with Tomo chan, we'll be right back!" With that Tomo chan and Haruka leave to buy some beer.

"What the hell Otoya! Why did you do that!?!" Tokiya screams at Otoya.

" What!?! I just sat with her!" Otoya says, playing innocent.

" No I know you did that on purpose! Haruka is my girlfriend, so stop flirting with her!" Tokiya starts walking towards Otoya and everyone knows that he's going to try to punch Otoya. So before that can happen, Natsuki and Syo jump out and say " Tokiya! He was just playing around! We know you and Haruka love each other and he would never do anything to harm your relationship!"

" Whatever!" Tokiya says while walking into his bedroom and slamming the door shut.

After that Haruka and Tomo chan come back with some beer, all of them (excluding Tokiya) drink and talk untill midnight. Then all, except Haruka, leave and Haruka decides to sleepover.

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