A Kiss Can Break A Heart

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- At work -

It was around 2:30pm and Haruka was finishing the song for Starish. When she finally finished she decided to go home early to see Hiro and Otoya. She packed up her stuff and left the office.

- At home -

Haruka opened the door to her home to find that Hiro was still at school and Otoya was still at work. She went inside and sat down on the couch. Because the went home early she hadn't had lunch yet, so she went over to the kitchen and made herself  a sandwhich. When she sat back down on the couch, her phone started to ring.

" Hello?" She said.

" Haruka, its Otoya." Otoya said from the other line.

" Oh! When are you coming home?" She said hoping he could come home soon and they could have a nice family dinner, because they were all so busy so they hadn't eaten together for a while.

" Oh, about that.. I'm going to be late coming home. Shining is making me go out to dinner with my colleague, so that she'll favor me and so that it'll help my popularity." Otoya said in a sad tone because he had wanted to see Haruka.

" Oh.... Ok! I'll pick Hiro up. He always misses you, so make sure you come home early tomorrow." Haruka said, obviously sad.

" Ok! I love you! And tell Hiro I love him too!" He said trying to to cheer her up.

" I love you too! See you soon." Then with that, Haruka hung up.

- Later that night -

Haruka had picked Hiro up, fed him, and put him to sleep. Hiro had been complaining about seeing his father more often. Hiro wasn't the only one who felt that way. She knew that she couldn't complain because he had to work so often, but she couldn't help but feel sad that she couldn't see him as much as before. After a warm cup of milk, she sat on the couch.

Then she heard some talking outside. Thinking it was Otoya she bursted with energy and ran up to the door. She slowly opened the door and peeked out. Then she saw Otoya with a lady, they were walking towards the door. All of sudden, she spun Otoya around and kissed him. 

Haruka was stunned. Otoya seemed to be drunk and so he didn't react to the kiss. After they broke the kiss, she looked at him intensly and said:

" I...I have had a crush on you since we started working together. I just wanted you to know." With that the lady turned around and walked away, leaving Otoya standing there. He then turned, as though nothing had happened and started to walk towards Haruka. 

She was so shocked. Why hadn't he pushed her away. He didn't even have to push her away, even just say no would have been fine. But he did NOTHING. He just stood there and accepted the kiss. Her heart now felt like a toy. Tossed around, and now, finally ripped to pieces. 

She decided to run back to her room before Otoya found her. She desperately tried to fool herself saying: ' he was just drunk, it didn't mean anything' and ' Otoya told me he loved me, he would never do anything to hurt me' but in the back of her head the thoughts that threatened to come out of her mouth were: ' why did he just stand there and accept the kiss? Am I not good enough' and ' am I going to be betrayed again? Will he hurt me too? Maybe I should leave him first, for me and Hiro'.

She made it to her bed and threw herself under the covers. Right after, Otoya walked through the doors and started to change. After he was done he climbed into the bed and snuggled up to Haruka.

'I can't believe he's acting as though nothing happened! I should leave him...... I'll go with Hiro to grandma's house tomorrow morning, before he wakes up' The thoughts raced through her head, and with that she made her decision.

Then she let sleep claim her for the night.

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