As Long As You Love Me

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I'm really sorry for the wait. I couldn't think of anything(I'm not super confident about this chapter either) but I hope you guys enjoy!

- At the Hospital -

Otoya's POV

My head was pounding, my body was aching and what freaked me out was that I couldn't move. I opened my eyes slowly. I couldn't see for a while because my eyes were adjusting to the light. When I could finaly see, I looked around and found that the reason why I couldn't move was because Haruka was on top of my chest. She was sIeeping soundly, so I decided not to wake her. But I didn't recognize where we were. The walls were white, the bed was white and the curtains were white. I must be in a hospital. I thought back to why I was in the hospital and remembered the incident with Haruka. I had to tell Haruka that whatever I did when I was drunk, didn't matter. It was all a mistake, because I would never love anyone but her. I couldn't even if I tried, and I did. 

When Haruka and Tokiya were dating, I knew I couldn't dwell on my love for her, so I tried to date. I dated about three girls, but most of the time I was single. My first girlfriend, we had a decent relationship but I grew tired of trying to love her and forget Haruka. It was just too mentally and physically tired. My second girlfriend, she had some weird fetishes, like about fur. She tried to get me to wear really furry clothes. I just gave up on that relationship. My third girlfriend, she left me for another guy, but I didn't really care because no matter what I did, I couldn't stop loving Haruka.

I decided to tell Haruka right now that I loved her and anything I did to hurt her was a mistake, and ask for her to forgive me.

"Haruka?" I shook her shoulder gently to try and wake her.

"Hm?" She slowly started to wake up, then still dazed from sleep, she looked at me. She looked at me, then she stared intensly with wide eyes. I could see her eyes start to shine with tears. Was she still angry at me? But I thought wrong.

"Otoya!" She jumped at me and hugged me with all her might. Then she let some tears fall down her face.

"Haruka? What's wrong?" She lifted her head off my shoulder and looked at me with a relieved expression on her face.

"I thought you weren't going to wake up!" She said half crying. I was shocked because I thought she hated me, but she was worried for me.

"I'm so sorry Haruka! I was drunk and-" I suddenly remember why I hadn't pushed my coworker(we're gonna name the coworker Narima)away. It was because I was thinking about Haruka and so I thought that Narima was Haruka.

"I was so drunk that, when she kissed me I was thinking of you and I thought that she was you! Thats why I didn't push her away. I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! It was a mistake and-" Otoya was cut off, Haruka had kissed him.

"Its ok! I'm sorry too, I didn't even ask about your side of the story, I just left. I realised, while you were unconscious, that I should have more faith in you. I'm sorry, Otoya. I love you!" Haruka was smiling happily which made me happy. 

She had forgiven me and wasn't angry. I was so happy, so I pulled on her arm and hugged her tightly.

"Now that I have you back, I will never let go of you Haruka, no matter what happens. I will do anything for you. As long as you love me, as long as you're with me, I will never let you go." We sat there, embracing for what seemed to be hours. Hours that were some of my happiest.

Nothing could make me happier

As long as you love me.

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