Pong Krell's Battalion Meets Ahsoka Tano

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CT-9368 was, honestly, frightened for his life.

His Jedi General, Pong Krell, had just been told that he would fill in on Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker's mission on Umbara, and they had just landed on the shadowy planet.

"You ready, vod?" his brother, CT-3846 asked as the doors of the Republic transport ship landed on the rough terrain of Umbara.

"As ready as I'll ever be. Hope the other battalion is nice." The number of the other clone battalion had seemingly been classified.

The doors opened, and CT-9368 stepped out of the transport, rather hesitantly, but joined his other brothers in trekking toward the other battalion's campsite. They froze when they saw the first clone; blue stripes and patterns. The 501st!
The 501st battalion was famous, as they seemingly had the most reckless but kind and selfless Jedi general. But almost nobody knew who the commander was, and hoped they weren't as bad Krell. In the distance, they saw their general conversing with the legendary Anakin Skywalker, Captain CT-7567 conversing with them. CT-9368 winced in sympathy as he knew that CT-7567 would immediately be shut down.

"Get back here you little piece of shit!" A female voice yelled from the camp. But the 501st clones didn't seem to even flinch. CT-9368's battalion, however, froze once again, fear striking their hearts. A small Togruta, clad in unusual Jedi clothing stalked out of what seemed to be the medical tent, heading toward an injured and groaning clone leaning heavily on a crate, seemingly full of ammunitions.

"Is that the commander? Why is she so mad? Do you think she's gonna hurt the clone?" The nearby 501s tclones laughed at CT-3846's comment.
"Hurt? Of course not! She's just mad that Hardcase snuck out of the medical tent while he's still hurt. She's worse than the medics sometimes. CT-9368quirked his head to the side.

"Whose Hardcase?" The clone who had spoken earlier laughed.

"He's the one the commander's yelling at. I'm Echo, by the way. Who are you?" Before said 'Echo' got to answer the question, the Jedi commander stalked to the clone, seething and not seeming to notice the crowd.

"Echo, could you please get your brother into the medical tent, he won't listen to me." She whined childishly. CT-9368 was taken aback. Why couldn't she just command 'Hardcase' to go back into the medical tent?

Echo laughed.

"I'll try, Soka, but I can't make any promises. Hardcase! Get your shebs back into the medical tent!" And with that he ran off to drag the poor clone back into the medical tent. Seemingly noticing the group for the first time, the commander, who Echo had called Soka and gotten away with it, turned to the confused group.

"Oh! Hello! My name's Ahsoka Tano, proud commander of the 501st. You must be our reinforcements. What should I call you?" She said politely as she motioned the group to follow her. But as the group began walking, she fell in step with CT-9368 and CT-3846, surprising everyone.

"I'm CT-9368, sir." The commander tilted her head.

"Don't you have nicknames? Oh! Sorry, that came out a little weirder than I thought. Anyway, do you guys have names I can call you? Like my other brothers?"

"Other brothers?" CT-9368asked tentatively, not wanting to be struck, like he usually was when asked a question.

"Yeah. The 501stare my brothers, and therefore my extent, you guys are too." She charmingly smiled, but stopped once her name was called by General Skywalker. She winced. "Sorry guys, duty calls. Is anybody able to show these guys around?" Many clones raised their heads, but only to see that they had been beaten to the group. Fives stood proudly next the commander. "Thanks Fives. Fives, reinforcements. Reinforcements, Fives. Good luck!" And she side hugged Fives quickly before dashing off. Said Fives blushed a little by the public display of affection, and nobody had their helmets on and so, he couldn't hide it.

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