Sleepy Togruta

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Captain Rex never understood how the Jedi worked; heck, how they'd even survived this long without getting themselves killed. 

But one thing he did understand was that his Jedi were affectionate when they were tired. 

And after their last brutal campaign to retake Felucia yet again, he knew his Jetii were exhausted. That was why while he was filing paper work, he wasn't surprised to see his commander drop down from the vents, and land right into the bean bag chair reserved especially for her. But, alas, the bean bag chair was far too far from her captain. 

Ahsoka Tano stood up on unsteady feet and hurried to where Rex sat behind his desk.

"Hello, cyar'ika." He greeted, leaning back in his chair without looking up from his datapad. Ahsoka hummed gratefully as she slid onto his lap sideways, nuzzling her captain's neck as he rolled his chair closer to his desk. Whenever the 18 year old decided to join him at his desk, he rolled his chair forward so he would not have to jostle the tired commander in his lap while he finished his paperwork. 

Rex dropped his free hand onto her thigh to draw mindless circles there until he heard his cyar'ika purr, her chest rising steadily, and her mind slipping steadily into sleep. He smiled and grabbed his comm from beside his cup of caf, pressing the newly added 'Commander Is Asleep Near Me' button, waiting for the usual response from Kix that the General had either been put to bed or had been forcefully sedated. This time, Anakin had decided to go quietly, and he received a message back about how fives had lured him back to his room aboard the Resolute and had peacefully fallen asleep.

This had become a regular routine for the clones in Torrent Company. Often times this 'tradition' of sorts extended out to their brothers in the 212th Battalion, as they had nearly as much of a hard time getting their general to sleep. 

Ahsoka murmured in her sleep, and nuzzled her head closer into his neck. The captain chuckled as he tilted his head a little, giving her more room so as not to squish her montrals into his shoulder in her sleep. 

As Rex finished the last of his paper work, he leant back slowly against the comfortable back of his office chair, and placed a quick kiss to the girl's montral before preparing himself to stay there for the next few hours.

A/N I know this is short, but my schoolwork is piling up even in this horrid lockdown :'(

Also I was supposed to publish this a week ago but then I got busy, so I'll try and get another chapter out by Sunday. But don't hold me to it, even though I'll try my best :) 

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