Clone Hideout

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Ahsoka Tano was on the lone planet of Tatooine, investigating the alleged sightings of clones in the middle of the desert, living in huts. She was walking over a sand dune, kicking the small grains of nightmares away from her.

"I'm going to be fine, my love. Stop worrying." Ahsoka chuckled. The blue holo of Rex Tano scowled and crossed his arms. Yes, they had married about two years after the end of the Clone War, after five years of dating. They had had to go their own way for their safety, not able to contact each other until they were reunited by the Ghost crew. The rebellion knew of their marriage and even smiled when they shared loving glances or touches. 

"I still don't like the idea of you walking into a supposed 'village' of clone troopers, who could still have their chips in. You know, I could've just ordered you to take me along," he grinned. Ahsoka just chuckled at her husband's antics. "Experience outranks everything."

"Then I definitely outrank you. Like I said, don't worry. That's why I brought Padme along. Don't tell me you don't trust your own daughter!" Indeed, only a few clicks away in a safe hangar, was their half-Togruta, half-human teenage daughter, patiently aboard Ahsoka's ship, ready to fly to her mother's aid if need be. She wasn't Force sensitive, her little brother inheriting the trait instead. Surprisingly, Padme didn't seem to mind, saying that she preferred a blaster over a lightsaber, unlike her brother Echo.

Rex sighed again before flashing his true love an unsure smile. "Just don't get yourself killed, cyar'ika." Ahsoka, having grown stronger in the Force (than thought possible without a master), just grinned at her husband and sent love and reassurance through their bond, making Rex's smile turn genuinely happy, even though they were worlds away at the moment.

"See you when I return to Chopper Base with a ship full of idiots." And with that they cut the communication and Ahsoka cleared the sand dune. Her grin grew wide as she saw children, some human, others half alien, playing around a fallen TIE fighter. It didn't seem like they noticed her, so she continued the trek to them, sensing that they were descendants from familiar people. 

As Ahsoka neared, one Twi'lek teen girl with blue and light orange skin spotted Ahsoka, eyes widening in what the former Jedi recognized as fear. She stopped dead in her tracks as the Twi'lek whispered to the other children, aged from what Ahsoka guessed was at least from six to fourteen standard years. All of their eyes widened in fear and ran to hide behind the TIE fighter. T

The Togruta slowly lowered herself onto the sand with her legs crossed and her hands folded in her lap. She contemplated what to do and, sensing the children's growing fear, decided to show them that she was a friend.

Swiping and clicking on her personal data pad, which had previously been tucked safely away in between armor, she found her favorite photo of the fun times back in the Clone War.

In it, there was the whole barrack of the 501st legion of the GAR, and Ahsoka, wearing her later outfit, was curled up sandwiched between Fives and Rex, the younger Togruta napping peacefully as the two clones (and the rest of Torrent Company behind them in the background) smiled down at her. Rex was holding most of her weight, of course.

She threw the pad onto the sand in front of the TIE fighter, using the Force to aid its aim, and waited patiently until one of the oldest of the bunch (a full human boy) peeked around the TIE and spotted it. 

Hesitantly, he picked it up and his eyes roamed over the image before turning back to his (cousins?) friends and showing it to them. 

"If you know who they are, I'm looking for them. Please, will you show me to them? They will know that I am an old friend." She spoke softly. As a particularly strong gust of wind expectantly pulled her hood off her head, revealing her tall montrals and her facial markings, some of the brave children peeking from behind the fallen fighter gasped. 

"I know who you are!" One of them cried, "you're Ahsoka Tano! You were going to be our aunty, but then you went missing!" Ahsoka grinned, happy that her family hadn't forgotten who she was. The children's fear was forgotten as they ran up to her after her confirmation. 

"You saved my dad from the Citadel!" The blue and orange skinned Twi'lek who had spotted her said shyly.

"I wasn't even supposed to be on the mission, you know," she winked. Knowing the story all too well but still wanting to hear it from a different perspective, the children eagerly sat around the cross legged Togruta, urging for her to continue.

"We can take you to our hideout if you want!" The eldest there, the human boy names Hevy, exclaimed as the former Jedi finished the entertaining tale. "I'm sure my dad and uncles will be glad to see you! They say you were like the little sister of the 501st!" Ahsoka's laugh encouraged the children to laugh as well.

"It's a shame you aren't really our aunt. My dad told me how you used to dat Uncle Rex. But he gets too sad to talk about him coz they don't know what happened to him. Do you?" Mala - the blue and orange skinned twi-lek - asked with hopeful eyes.

Ahsoka grinned mischievously as she reached her hand to the hidden chain around her neck, her wedding ring from Rex and his dog chains handing loosely under her armor and body suit.

"I married him." She chuckled as the group of children squealed and pulled her up, pulling her towards what they told her was their little hideout.

Fives and his wife Kina, a green Twi'lek, was worried. The clones' children had not come home from their playing. The Clone Hideout, as they had all taken to calling their new home, was camouflaged against a cliff, and now the parents were worried about the possibilities that the children had strayed from their usual play area by the fallen TIE fighter. They were not able to send out a search party in fear of being spotted by the Empire or leaving their wives and children alone, and so they stayed put, though they all seeked comfort in Fives and Echo, who had become something like the co-leaders of the hideout. 

So they all gathered in the biggest cottage, known as the Assembly Hall, the women seeking comfort from their husbands and brother and sister-in-laws. 

"They'll be fine. They're all tough," Fives started, standing at the front with Echo next to him. "If worst comes to worst and they're taken by the Empire, then we can ask the Rebellion for help." 

"But then they'll know we're still alive!" Hardcase yelled, gripping onto his husband's hand tighter. "They'll rope us into the war!"

"A war we helped create." Kix muttered under his breath. Echo sighed. He was the one who had found out vital information about the Rebellion from an old friend, and, not wanting to give his brothers false hope, he hadn't told them about the Jedi. Not until now.

As the arguing worsened about if they should go out and look for their children, Echo said the six words he had never wished to say. "There are Jedi fighting the Empire." That got everybody's attention, and when an eerie silence fell upon the assembled clones, Echo continued. "An old friend told me that there's at least three Jedi in the rebellion, two of them survivors of Order 66."

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