Citadel Rescue Take 2

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Ahsoka Tano, the former Padawan to Anakin Skywalker and former commander of the 501st was a talented young Togruta. She had become Fulcrum, a vital informant to the Rebellion, with all her Fulcrum agents scattered throughout the galaxy reporting any and everything to her. She had become a General, and became wiser and more powerful than she had initially thought when she was a youngling.

And so Ahsoka was used to knowing everything.

That was why she thought her new mission was bizarre. It was an infiltrate and rescue mission, but nobody would tell her who she would be rescuing. Only when, where, and how.

She would be returning to the Citadel Prison, which she had already infiltrated during the Clone War, but then she had back up. Now, she would be going in alone.
The plan was for Ahsoka to arrive at the Citadel through an Empire ship, transferring more Inquisitors to the station, then to take out all comms before finding the prisoners and escaping with them to the rendezvous location far away from the Citadel for pick up. It seemed simple enough, as she had studied the Citadel's known schematics, which were luckily updated since the time of the Clone War. But she was concerned about her escape.
The last time she had escaped from the Citadel, she had used the natural paths of the planet, but she didn't know rather the Seperatists had filled that in after their escape with the vital route information.

"Welcome to the Citadel Prison. You are extra security for our important prisoners, and so you have been chosen as the best of the best. We have reason to believe a Jedi Master will be freeing the prisoners soon, so you all have a chance to prove yourself. To make it easier to guard the prisoners, we have moved them to the prison mess hall," Ahsoka rolled her eyes behind her mask. It would also make it easier for the 'Jedi Master' to free the prisoners if they were all in the same place. "But this is not a vacation, so if I see you slacking off even one bit, then you will be replaced and sent back to the Grand Inquisitor for" The commander towards the station with Ahsoka and the extra security inquisitors, giving Ahsoka time to analyze the schematics and found it different then the intel she had studied a few nights ago. But to her amazement, she could see the very faded lines of a lightsaber on one of the walls. Ahsoka recognized it as the exit her master had made. But luckily, you could only see it if you were actually looking for it.

The tour ended at the comm station, where the commander left Ahsoka to guard it in case of a sneak attack. "Yes sir." Ahsoka said, but her modified voice changer made it sound much deeper than it was. Turning toward the door, Ahsoka waited for the commander to take away the other Inquisitors. Smirking, Ahsoka entered. Finding workers in there, Ahsoka dived into her mind, finding the right trick to get away with this. Finding one, Ahsoka outstretched her hand. "You will ignore my presence, and blame the comm malfunction to a radio interference. "The workers repeated her mantra, before going back to work, only this time ignoring her presence completely, as if she were invisible. Turning to the security camera, she once again reached out her hand, fisting it to crush the camera.

Quickly running over to the main computer, she entered the rod Kanan Jarrus had given her to disable the communicator systems, therefore leaving the station with no backup.

Smirking, Ahsoka ran outside, keeping to the shadows and hastily rushed back to the mess hall, also blocking her Force signature. Seeing two storm troopers outside, she used the Force to make a clang! Noise not far away. Turning toward the noise, the stormtroopers rushed there with their blasters raised.

Opening the door quickly, she snuck in, still facing outside, fearing discovery. As the door closed, she noticed how quiet the room was. Fearing it was a trap, She grabbed her lightsabers and turned around, ready to ignite it at a moment's notice.

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