Chapter 24

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Chapter 24: techniques and battles beyond part one

    Walking through the hospital halls with Felicia keeping an eye out for Ayane. Walking towards Cindy's room to make sure nothing was damaged, stepping into her room where there were nurses and doctors with security guards scrambling from the room itself. She grabbed one of them and asked, "what is the emergency?" A man with circular glasses with brown hair she pulled by the side told her, "the patient. She, she's missing."
    Missing? But how? None of you seen her walk out of the room? Is there any footage? Felicia started to shout.
    I'm sorry Lieutenant. He nearly pissed himself with her intimidation. Security is looking all over but last time we seen her was two nights ago after when a mock off of you had nearly killed her.
    Son of a bitch. She rolled her eyes feeling frustrated.
    Well, one of our medical staff had brought a man into this medical facility about three weeks ago. He had finally woke up.
    Why do I care about a man who just woke up? She started tapping her foot with her hands still on his shirt.
    He, he requested to see you. Letting him go, she asked, "which room?"
    Room 155.

    Walking away heading towards that direction, she tried to figure out who would want to request to see her? Especially in a hospital. Then she remembered what the staff member said that one of the medical respondents had brought him into this society about three weeks ago. For some odd reason, something started to tug at her but she didn't know why.

    Three weeks ago. What happened three weeks ago? The next minute as she stepped Into the doorway, a flash of realization went across her face as soon as she stepped into the room when she seen Kevin a.k.a. Jeff glancing towards her in a medical gown.
    Captain. Now isn't in this a surprise. You decided to come and see me. A smirk played on his lips.
    I was just informed one of our members brought you back to resuscitate you. I'm surprised you're still alive Kevin.
    I'm just too stubborn to die. I'm feeling quite better now. How long have a been out?
    Three weeks. She said flatly remembering what he did to Dustin.
    Three weeks? I'm surprised to be alive myself especially of that woman placing a drill through my chest. He placed his fingers by the stitched up hole. I guess it wasn't my time yet.
    Nope. Why did you request me? She placed her hands on her hips.
    First, I got a couple questions. After when I was temporary out of action, did I miss anything? I was above you you do know.
Such as? She tapped her foot impatiently.
You look like you're in a hurry to go somewhere. I'm saying any meetings, big threats besides that Sarah woman I think her name was with that naked atrocity. Then with her giving a sigh. She responded, "there's a lot of stuff you have missed because of your absence. I've been taking both rolls. To catch you up, we found out Sarah is not the head leader of the dark shadows. Linda as you know had took over Cindy but Dustin removed her. Dustin got infected by Linda but he just removed her two days ago, right now we're trying to stabilize Dustin's power because he's way over powered."
You're talking a whole lot of good stuff about him. I could give two shits about that freak of a half breed. He spat out with venom. How is that monster still alive? That bastard nearly killed me if it wasn't for Sarah or whatever her name is placing a dagger through his chest but I'm surprised he's still alive. I should be grateful he did remove that naked chick out of her. whatever happened to Cindy?
Not giving you that information captain. She hissed.
Damn right you will! Then he cried in pain holding his chest.
Captain Felicia. A male nurse ran up to her. We have footage but Miss WinterKeys just magically vanished from her room. You can check the footage yourself but......... I don't know.
Wait. What are you talking about? Jeff started getting antsy in his bed. Don't tell me she was in the hospital to. His voice became agitated.
No time. She said about to head to the door.
I am still alive and you are only a lieutenant. I am your captain and you will tell me what is going on! He demanded.
Yeah... My captain who's in a hospital bed. My duty is still active. You don't need to worry about it. Just heal up and I will tell you everything when you do get out of the hospital. She walked out of the room making him swear under his breath.
When I do get out of this hospital bed. You're gonna wish you never had kept information from me! But she just ignored him and continued down the hall.

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