Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: calm before the storm
Part ii: The best is here to come

4 PM

While on the way back outside of going to the restaurant. It was really peaceful. What I was not able to enjoy heading to the waterpark I have enjoyed coming back. Although everything felt so cold but with Cindy. It felt so warm. Especially when she did fall asleep with her head on my shoulders then no sooner than that her in my arms. Like my dad said, "the only time when you don't get into trouble is when you're sleeping" but just with her sleeping on me. She looks so peaceful and so beautiful. Occasionally I would have to swipe her hair from her face. After for a long travel back home and eating at a nearby restaurant called "hot dog city." We finally started heading back home but before we did, both her and I started saying farewell to Angelina, Felicia, my crazy cousin Samantha, and lastly, Andrew. We both thank him for the vacation even though it was only two days. At the same time, it was worth it because both her and I felt rejuvenated from the time that we did spend at the waterpark before we had to enter the spirit life.
As we both got in my car with our luggage in the trunk. We both stared at each other for a few moments. In her eyes, I was able to see a golden brown color with sparkles right back at me. It was something that I didn't really want to stop looking at but I knew I had to try to bring her back home. For some reason, we didn't really say anything except for feeling butterflies running through me wanting to hold her but I guess I really hate to say this, but I think I'm in love. Then after while as we finally approached her dorm, I started helping her grabbing her bags which I took out from the trunk of my car and gave it to her. Then as I close the trunk and started walking towards the doors. I held open the door for her to go in. Luckily, her room wasn't that far so we just continued walking down the hallway. Then as we finally approached the room, she placed her bags down and grab the key that she had in her pocket. When she open the door, I grab the bags from her and carry them in.
You know that you didn't have to grab those bags for me right? She finally had spoke.
I know but I wanted to anyway. Where do you want me to put them at? I questioned while looking at her living room which she turned on the lights since it was getting very dark outside. Then suddenly, she started fiddling with the thermostat raising it up since when she left, she had the temperature at 62°. Once she was finished, she placed it at 72.
You can place it on the side of my bed. I'll get through it probably after finals tomorrow.
OK sounds like a plan. Then once I went into her room placing it against the wall on the far right when you would enter in. I started noticing her walking in behind me but she sat on the bed with a picture in her hand. When I got a better look at it. It was her brother and father.

These two are very special. She started talking after a few moments of just looking at the picture which, I sat next to her.
I bet they really are. I responded not knowing what to say except to be supportive.
Earlier this morning while we were in spirit form and I was fighting the water king. Before I have fought him, he swallowed me whole but it lead me in to an illusion. I don't know if it was a nightmare, a dream, a past that I was supposed to endure and help me go through my rage of disappointments, but whatever it was. It made me stronger. Do you really want to know the full story behind me? She asked me with her eyes staring back at me with a neutral face.
Yes. Of course I do. I placed my hand on her shoulder with my glaze staring back at her's.
When I was eight years old a couple days before September 11 of 2001. I broke my leg really bad while trying to slide down the slide but I fell backwards. The way how I fell was really awkward as it was because my leg got stuck to one of the Bar is that you climb up and when I was trying to twist my leg out of the hole, I twisted it wrong so when I fell, it broke like that.
Ouch. I gave her a discomfort expression.
Yeah. The next day, I woke up in the hospital with my dad standing right there with me the whole time. I couldn't remember what happened after when I broke my leg but the only thing I didn't know was him, my mother, my brother, and my sister all there supporting me through that incident. I was so happy but when my dad had promised me that he was going to come back the next day after work then finding out from my mom that he and my brother got killed from a terrorist attack. It killed me inside because outside of my mom who was there at the time to help support me. Actually, we both try to support each other with Alexis my little sister. We just started continuing to Fade away from each other.My mom started relying on alcohol so what she figured to help her out from the pain. We moved from New York to Chicago the next year but it didn't get any easier. She got so depressed that the only thing that ever settle her down was alcohol. My sister and I don't normally talk with each other because ever since dad had left, we felt that there was no one else to be there for us girls. So by the time when I turned 14, depression got worse with me too. Not just having no support, it was also the Students being really rude, making fun of me and my sister although we were in two different grades. I felt really hopeless. Normally dad and mom would help us through it but you know how everything ended up with that one. One night, I would normally take walks just to clear my mind but it wasn't helping me at all. It was strange to be honest, I have walked this area plenty of times and I have never once seen an alleyway so this one time when I actually did. It gave me an idea to hang myself. So the next night, I brought rope with me and finding the alleyway again, I seen a nice pole sticking out of the brick that I started wrapping and before I tied it around my neck, I seen a glowing spirit. Like anything, I thought I was going insane until she started talking to me.
Maria. I said out loud remembering the story that she had explained.
Yeah. The honest truth is that she was the one who save me. She was the one who guide me to a positive energy. She's seen strength within me and she wanted to be a part of me. That's why I accepted. Not because she was a spirit but she had such strong powers and so much energy that I wish to have so I could protect those who are in desperate need to. The same way how she did for me. For the longest, I didn't understand why she was in me. I knew she was there the whole time from the age of 14 all the way now but I thought that she was just some lucky charm to have until I finally realize what her true meaning was. I don't blame her at all because I love the way how I feel even though it does feel really strange having two people living in one body. When we fought the water king, then fighting through my nightmare and things that I was angry with. My father was with me the whole time and that's what Maria wanted me to fight through. To finally let go of the past and allow them in my soul so I could become stronger. So now, that's what I'm going to do for now on. What makes you continue to fight Dustin? She threw at me which, I honestly don't know. She had such inspiration to keep her going but to be honest. I was just thrown in here.
I, I I am just here. Originally, I was just here to do my schooling and continue with my career but now since this whole Dark Shadow incident and now knowing that my sister can possibly be the head leader of all shadows. I guess stopping her is my new influence. Although, I really want to find out what had happened. I don't seem to understand why I can't remember our past. She's angry at me and I don't seem to understand why. The only thing she keeps on repeating is that I left her behind and I'm still confused about it. I don't know what I did or why I did it but if there's something to help me remember. That would be really delightful so I can make the situation a lot more easier.
And that's OK. She started compromising with me while starting to place her hand on my hand since I placed my hand on the bed. That's why I am here to help you through it. For some reason, when I was going through my bag before we left, I found two maps of building B and building C. It has the code and what I was able to recognize is that once I unscramble the letters. It spelled out "London."
London? I'm starting to figure it out but I don't know why. First it was Britain elementary school which, that's where Angelina is currently going to school and that's where John and I went to school at. London, if that's the right one. That's the Junior High that I went to. Then things started rushing through my mind. I couldn't tell if I was figuring it out or if I was completely lost.
Could it possibly but these codes are referring school names that you have went too? If so, why? She started questioning while trying to figure it out herself.
I am uncertain why but in order for me to figure it out, I'm going to have to go to one of those schools and possibly, I might be able to figure it out.
I agree. She said while I started standing up and stretching about to start heading back to my dorm. Getting yourself ready to head home to study over the final?
Yes. Since tomorrow is a big day for testing, I better get as much knowledge inside of this brain of mine as much as possible or else I'll fail. I explained.
Okay. She simply responded which, I was quite confused because normally she would say goodbye or something.
So as I was about to walk out of her room, I felt a hand grabbing my shirt behind me and pulling me back. At first, I was confused until I turned around with Cindy jumping at me with her lips attaching to mine. At first, she caught me unexpected but suddenly, I seen her start slowly closing the door with my back against the wall. I didn't know what really got into her but the only thing I knew was my body was giving off this crave or the adrenaline of wanting her more but I didn't know why. I felt like she was surrounding me in all different directions. There was no where to turn except towards her. Then suddenly, I felt her pushing and forcing me away from the wall with her lips disconnecting from mine just for a moment until she pushed me to the bed. As she was coming closer, memory started floating through my head on Friday when she was sitting on me like a Predator waiting for its prey but this time, she looked like she had only one thing on her mind. Just the look on her face. I could see a beast running wild. Then The next moment, she placed herself on me, she continued to kiss me with this time a lot more intense and a lot more passion. I had no choice but to surrender because I couldn't hold my feelings any longer. After while, instead of her on me, I Felt the pulse through my veins which made me get more aggressive and then I pushed her onto her back then started taking control which in her eyes, it looked like she enjoyed The animal I was craving inside. The only thing I was able to feel was her fingers gently massaging up and down my neck giving me this special sensation going up and down my spine. With my hands, I grabbed her delicate but soft skin from her back. Then loosening it. When I would do this, I felt like I was giving her a back massage relieving her from the knots especially when I would rub her back up and down watching her arch her back but at the same time, it was a little bit hard to massage her skin especially trying to with her shirt on. Then suddenly, she lead my hand to where her sleeve would end while I watched her take her arm out from the shirt and then pulling it over her head just leaving her with her pants, underwear, and bra. I felt her pulling my shirt over my head too. Then as I notice, Her fingers were gently gliding across my chest giving me more of that sensation. As I started noticing with my own self, instead of her lips that I was kissing, I started more going down her neck which, she just allowed me like if she wanted me to be a vampire to suck her Energy right out of her. She was already giving me those devil eyes anyway so why should I stop?
  As I continue to kiss her up and down her neck with my fingers traveling through her hair down to her back. I was able to hear sleight moans that would escape through her breaths feeling the intensity of the animal inside which was desiring for passion. Then suddenly, I was able to feel her soft hands touch the top of my head pushing me to go lower until I started noticing my fingers trying to unclip the bra which seems to be such a hassle like, "why is it so damn hard to unclip a fucken bra?" looking towards her, I was able to feel her hands helping me out with it. Once she finally released what she had stored behind that unnecessary article of clothing. I was able to see the most finest pairs of breasts that I have ever seen. Her nipples were hard as rocks until I place my lips on them then with my hands on her breasts massaging them in the process which they too are perky that made me suck all around it that made her breath's a lot more rapid.
With my hands continuing to travel her skin up and down until I started noticing her starting to pull down my pants which, I did the same too. It was like we were playing a game of which article of clothing was disappearing next. The only thing I was able to see was her eyes looking down at me. I could tell that she was getting pleasure out of every single bit of it because I could feel her hands rapidly moving across my back while I continue to switch between one breast to the other trying to give out equal pleasure. This was my very first time doing such a thing until suddenly, my hands started reaching down to her panties. Once I tugged at those, everything seem to disappear off of us.
  The next moment I witnessed was her pushing me off of her just leaving me lying on my back trying to see what she was doing until her mouth started exploring new areas. My eyes were wide open. Glancing into her sparkly blue Hazel eyes, she was watching me like a hawk of giving her every expression that showed the pleasure which told her she knew she was pleasing me especially with her mouth going up......... Then down slowly and gentle. With her mouth full until she released my Candy stick which she was increasing her speed before she had let go. I could briefly hear her say, "would you like more daddy?" it was like if she was a pro and I was getting taught. Continuing to watch her bobble her Head up and down back at her previous pace until she got faster, she was able to hear me breathing very heavy. I couldn't control my hands. It was just tugging at her hair demandingly which, she got a lot of pleasure out of that until I seen her stop.
  What? What do you want from me? She question while feeling her energy very high. She gave me that devilish look like she was ready for some more and I knew she wanted to be punished and I knew I could do that for her. So what I did was pulled her down to the ground while I cracked her nice round ass. Oh is that all? I think I deserve a little more than that. She said turning her face behind her with her hair still in my hands and by the tone of her voice, it made me very aggressive making me turned on even more. Then as my eyes analyze The back of her body nice and slow up and down from her head to her rosy cheeks, I dragged her back onto her bed then forced her legs open with me creeping my tongue going between her legs, I could hear her scream out, "Oh fuck!" She nearly started to squeal while I continued to eat her out.
  When I was able to tell that I had done the first part of my business. There was another thing I had to get done and I think it was something that she really wanted as much as I did too which, she grabbed my ass closer until I place my erected snake inside of her like a key turning on the ignition and as I got her body started, I continued to grind on her body listening to her moan. While  I was riding on top of her, she started nibbling on my ear with her nails digging in my skin. To be honest, I never thought getting inflicted by pain could actually turn me on.
  As I continue to move my body back-and-forth gently then starting to get a lot more rough. Louder her moans start becoming but to quiet her down, I placed my lips on hers. Staying in this position for a little while, she kicked me off and switched positions with her on top of me in the cowgirl position and as she was, I had a perfect view of her face, her breasts, and my cock going in and out which, I just lean her closer while both of our bodies moved like if there was a rhythm but I just grabbed her breast and continue to suck on while penetrating her at the same time. If there was a fire that was created by us. I swear that the whole room was burning to 1,000,000° especially our sweat was pouring down both of our bodies. As she continued to ride me like a horse. Again, I switched positions having her get off the bed with me but this time, I had her bend over while continuing to crack her ass watching it jiggle then sliding my cock from behind her while still punishing her pussy with my hands tugging at her hair wishing that I grabbed a pillow from the bed.
  From this point on now, I don't think there's anything shutting her up which, I really hope that her next-door neighbor was not there but at that moment, I don't think both of us even cared. After a while of pulling her hair, I switched and felt her tits bounce back-and-forth until I felt her legs starting to shake until I pulled out and had her lay at the edge of the bed with me holding her legs into the air like she could walk on the ceiling. Once I continued to pound hard on her, I was starting to feel myself having to ejaculate but I was able to hear her say, "don't blow in me." so right before I blew, I took it right out allowing everything to come on her skin which from that point on, I just felt her hands grabbing my arms allowing me to collapse on her with her holding me tight like a teddy bear.

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