Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: questions

9:30 AM

  It was the middle of the morning laying in my bed with the covers surrounding me keeping me warm but at the same time, I was laying on my side with my arms wrapping around something but I couldn't tell at first. It wasn't until I smelled the fresh scent of body lotion and hair conditioner entering through my nostrils and noticing that there was hair all in my face.
  A human lying with me? I said groggily in my mind. At first, curiosity was running through me so I started placing my left hand on the person's hip since my right arm was under The person's hip. Then up to its shoulder feeling the persons hands and when I placed my hand on its stomach then up to its chest. I instantly knew who it was especially the round breasts.
  Cindy. I nearly whispered but I guess she didn't hear me at all. Luckily she didn't or else I would've felt really embarrassed feeling up on her but at first, I was really confused why she was sleeping with me. I thought she was sleeping on the couch. Did she hear me scream out loud last night? I ask myself while feeling the purple nightgown that she had on last night. It was so silky and smooth but I felt really wrong putting my hands on her but at the same time. She seemed not to care at all.
  D'Dustin? She said my name while feeling her moving around and stretching. Then I heard her yawn while trying to wake up.
  Cindy? What are you doing in my bed? I asked her while feeling really confused and curious.
  As she turned around and faced me with her messed up hair but still looking at me with those beautiful looks that I really didn't expect to see in front of me especially in the way how this was. She told me, "you must of had a bad dream. I don't know what you were doing but the only thing I knew was that you were trying to shield yourself with your arms."
  Oh. Was the only word that slipped from my lips but she recognize that my eyes looked down at the pillow which made her question.
  Please Dustin. Tell me what is going on that was bothering you last night. I want to listen to you. She brought me in closer not expecting how close we could get. It was like our noses were touching each other like if we were going to kiss. I don't know if it was the sense of insecurity or the lack of private space but I felt really awkward but at the same time. I liked it. At the same time, I felt that this friendship got very intense and pushed beyond being in the regular friend zone like if we were best friends even though we only knew each other for 4 months.
  It was hard for me to explain my dream because it was too psychotic but at the same time, it felt realistic. I started questioning to myself, "was that spirit real? Were those true events in my dream real too?" As I asked those questions. I still had to answer Cindy's because I know she wants explanations. Even though her voice was very soothing and wanting me to release. It was quite hard because I think that she would call me crazy.
  Well... You can believe me or not. Then I got interrupted with her finger on my lips and hearing her say.
  Don't worry. I'm not going to judge you no matter how crazy it is. Remember, I'm a journalist for criminal investigation and a second major of being a counselor so I'm here to listen to you. As soon as I heard that, it made me feel a little bit more easy with myself to allow her in just a little bit.
  As I was going to say, I felt that I was in a flashback mode of me being a child in a run down elementary school that I believed I think I went to as a kid but everybody was getting killed.
  Let me ask you something. She brought to my attention while I kept my eyes on her still laying in the bed. In the dream, were you caring any type of guns? Then my eyeshot wide open that made me ask her, "yes? Why do you ask?" And then as soon as I looked at her. She started moving around and placing her hands under my pillow and taking something out that I didn't want to see.
  Does this gun look familiar? One was the pistol that Charles was holding and the desert eagle was the gun I was holding.
  Huh??? Where did these come from? These are the two exact same guns I was using to protect myself in that school. I start freaking out with my heart started to race through my chest.
  Interesting. She simply replied while feeling confused. I took them out of your hands when you were trying to shield yourself from something. I took them out of your hands and placed them under your pillow.
  I... I... I... I... I... I... I kept stuttering not knowing what to say.
  Shush shush I know you're scared but settle down. She said in a calming voice while placing her gentle fingers through my brunette hair.
  Wait. I had thought of something that I almost had forgotten. As I started thinking about what Destiny had said in my dreams. I had to ask Cindy this question.
  What is it? She asked.
  Was there a paper in my hand that had some words on it?
  Yes but I couldn't see the letters because it was dark but I placed it on your desk on this side of you.
Then I quickly rolled over to where my desk was at and found the paper and once I placed it in front of my face. It was in the random order that I originally had it right before......... "Her."
What is it? What does it say? She started getting a little bit more demanding.
It's the paper. I stated out loud while scared out of my mind.
Settle down. She said out loud while she kept placing her smooth hands on my shoulders trying to calm me down.
It's the same paper that I placed the letters that I had to solve in order for me to wake up to get out of that school before I got killed by that psychotic killer that looks like......... Then I thought about it if I said her but with curly hair and young features that looks like an eight-year-old. She's gonna call me crazy.
Look like who??
Do you remember yesterday when I started acting really strange? I ask her while putting my face next to hers again.
Yes? She replied feeling concerned while she continued to stretch then about to get out of bed.
I don't know what it is but when you asked me if I had a sister, in my dreams. It kept haunting me like if I was supposed to remember something but I couldn't because like I said. Everything seems like a blob in my past.
Were you able to see the killers face? She stood up from the bed while I watched her nightgown reach a little past her knees.
Yes. I replied while giving out a horrified look. The scariest thing of it all was that she kept calling me brother.
Then she gave me that same horrified look that made her stand in place like a statue.
I hate to ask this but, what does she look like?
For an instant, I knew I was going to regret when I explain this but I had no choice.
She looked very young that had been no older than eight years old. She almost looks like you. Then I got interrupted by her by saying, "me?" Then I responded by saying.
Yes. But the difference was is that she has yellowish blue eyes and long blonde curly hair. I couldn't really see what type of clothing she had on because it was surrounded by dark aura.
Fascinating. She shook her head. I hope that it's not completely true and it's just a dream but do you know what those scrambled letters say? She asked me while about to head out the room.
Britain. I simply responded.
Britain? She said that almost sounded like a giggle but at the same time confused.
But why? I do not feel like going out to Britain just to find the person who is under all of this.
Me neither. I responded. But let's just hope that it's just nothing but I'll keep this paper on my fridge for right now because I know that it's going to be important.
OK and I will put this as a separate document that I can keep in my notes but I was wondering if I may take a shower?
No problem. I responded giving permission. Do you have extra clothing?
In my book bag yes. I always prepare myself with extra clothing just in case for incidents like this.
Ok. I replied.
If you're going to ask me if you would like to join the shower with me. I will say get your own because this one is taken. I don't share. She giggled while analyzing my eyes seeing if I was going to give her a smart response which, I did.
Well, even how tempting it is. I think I had already got a lot of you just last night. I winked at her.
Oh. You just scored a free B. I normally don't do things like that so feel proud and tell the whole world because next time I won't be next to you buddy boy. She laughed out loud while about to turn around until I called out to her and asked, "why did you sleep with me last night? I already know the first response but why?"
Then suddenly, I started noticing that she was biting her nails but as I waited what felt like a minute, she finally responded by saying, " it's... Just... Natural instincts." Then I seen that she was ashamed.
What do you mean? I wanted to know but at the same time, I didn't want her to feel pushed or forced to talk about herself.
It's quite silly. My mom used to do it to me and then I started doing it with my little sister. She pushed the streaks of blonde hair away from her eyes at the same time, it looked like she was playing with her hair. Whenever we get a nightmare or anything, like my mother, I would run and lay next to my sister or whoever I would stay the night with just to comfort them just until they were all right. Most times once I do, I would head back to my bed but...... This was my first time ever for me to sleep next to a person. I never did it with my sister or friends. Yes, my mom had but, that was because she was very exhausted after work and since she didn't really get much sleep. She fell asleep right next to my sister.
I see. I said while looking through her eyes to see if there was more which, I knew there was but I wasn't going to continue on except for what I was going to say next. There's no need to feel embarrassed about that. Like I said, whatever had happened, I won't share because I don't like spreading rumors around the whole school or just in general places. I said confidently that made her smile.
Thank you Dustin. Then I seen her walk out of the room which, I got out of bed shortly after when she did.
Maybe I should shave right after when she's done taking a shower. I thought to myself while getting out of my PJs and placing some baggy sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt on. After doing so, I placed my deodorant and some Givenchy Play intense cologne on.
Once I left my bedroom after I combed my hair and place my slippers on my feet. I walked out through the kitchen into the front room where I embarrassingly seen Cindy bent over grabbing all of her lotions and clothing out of her bag. I was going to comment on how much she has a nice round butt because of her nightgown popping over and just seeing a pair of white underwear but, I just kept that to myself and turned around into the kitchen to grab some coffee.
Do you want me to make us some breakfast and some coffee while you're in the shower? I addressed to her attention.
Yes please. She said sweetly that almost made her sound like a 12-year-old. Which, it made me giggle inside just because the way how she said it. What are we having? She sounded excited.
If you want, we can have pancakes with sausage and bacon. I replied.
That'll be good. She started heading to the washroom with her stuff in her hands.
OK. I simply responded while going into my cabinet and grabbing the Bisquick then going into my fridge in grabbing the eggs, butter, and milk. Then when I went to the other set of cabinets, I grabbed the frying pan with the vanilla abstract. I started thinking to myself if I should throw some cinnamon sugar or peanut butter but, I just grabbed the regular stuff.
Once I combine all the ingredients together and mixed it in a bowl, I started making the first couple batches of pancakes. I knew that I would have three and if I'm estimating right but I can be wrong. I will give her two but I will make some extra on the side so I have something for breakfast tomorrow.
Oh shoot. I forgot the sausage and bacon. I will place it on another pan. I said to myself out loud while heading back to the fridge.

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