Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: the medical facility/spiritual society

One week later:

  I trusted you. I believe in you. Of all things now she's going to do this to me?
  You half breed. Those thoughts that were running through my head like a threat that I must get rid of.
  I dare you to call me a half breed one more time.
  Oh are you going to tare me limb by limb? He SAST me which I remembered that just caused me to get more ferious.
  No. That would just be a blessing wouldn't it? No. I'm going to kill you.
  Smart. Half breed. Which, I just lost my temper and turned into a half like he kept saying all along.
BLAAH!!! But before I was able to attack, I saw that it was Sarah who stabbed me right in my chest penetrating through my heart causing me to black out not knowing if I am dead or alive except for a kiss that was not from Cindy.


  Dustin? Do you hear me? A familiar voice kept on asking me even though I thought it was a dream and for some reason, I couldn't put the persons name in my head. Dustin please say something. I know you're alive. Then I started gradually making noise trying to open my eyes but when I did, it was a very bright light shining right back at me that made me instantly Close my eyes again. He made it! The same woman said to one of the people that sounds like if she was screening  outside of the hall wherever I was at.

  Where am I? I ask while placing my right hand on the right side of my head then slowly opening my eyes again trying to get adjusted to the bright lights.
  You are in the spiritual society. The place that you are in is a medical facility that treats injured spiritual soldiers.
  Wait what now? I asked then looking at the woman who has chocolate brown ice with purple hair with a black robe and a blue belt. She took off her mask placing it on my bed trying to help me remember for some reason, I couldn't think who she was but I know her face looks very familiar.
  It's been a week since the fatal blow between Sarah and Linda.
  Sarah? Linda? Who the hell are they? I know such thing of them? I responded feeling confused.
  Oh no. He lost his memory. She said to a Doctor Who have just came in with some medicine and a styrofoam cup of water.
  He did lose a large amount of blood, so his memory will be foggy but I'm surely that he will get it back.
  Can somebody please tell me what in the world is going on here? I asked with anger starting to build inside of me not understanding what was going on. What do you mean I've been out for a week? I don't even remember falling asleep. Honestly, I can't remember what even happened yesterday.
  You were in a big fight Dustin. She started holding my hand with one hand on the bottom and her second hand on top of mine with electricity starting to run through my veins and my heart starting to beat a little bit quicker because of the touch. Which, she was able to tell. You have lost your memory due to it. Since you have forgotten. My name is Felicia. I am the captain of the Quonty squad.
  Since I do not know what you're talking about. At least, I got your name. I started to give her a grin but I was in too much pain.
  It will take time for you to start remembering but for right now, you're going to stay with us in our facility just until you heal up then, we're going to get into some training but first, we got to help you remember who you are.
  Who I am? I repeated her statement but with a question.
  Yes. She continued to nod her head. You are not an ordinary human.
  Ordinary human? I felt like I was on repeat or at least a broken record.
  Yes. Like I said, it's going to take a little bit of time for you to heal but I do promise that all of this will start making sense. So what I do recommend is let our professionals heal you and I'll be back in a couple hours to check up on you. Finesse she turned around and started walking out of the door, I couldn't help my eyes from wandering from her odd purple hair which was scattered across her back, her light brown skin, then lowering to her back until my ice reached.........
  A fascinating one I see. You should count your self lucky. The doctor said while looking at my wound that was bandaged up which strangely enough it is where my heart is at.
  Why do you say that?
  Normally she doesn't save half breeds like you.
  Half breed? What do you mean? What is that? Confusion continued to stay on my face. When I thought I was confused. It just got worse.
  You can't honestly tell me that you don't know what it is.
  Listen here. I don't need your smart ass attitude! I do not know where I am at, who I am, what I am doing here, nor understand what this society that you call spiritual society is.
  Hmm... and I thought it was a façade that you were playing. Since you honestly do not know what's going on here nor who you are and what you are. I will help explain everything but there are going to be some testings that we're going to have to do in order for us to fully explain everything that's going on. I don't understand how you can fully lose everything from your mind but that's why we are here to help you out. He said calmly finally understanding my predicament.
  As long as I have something going on with me. I don't mind understanding this strange world that I'm in. I just woke up and I'm getting thrown 1 million things all at once. I responded placing my hand on my head trying to stop the aching.
  The little details that I can give you for a half breed is that they are quite unpredictable. They have a careless nature about anything and everything around them. Most times they allow the dark shadows to overtake their souls before the light can shine to save the human form of them.
  That sounds scary. I replied. I'm guessing these dark shadows are evil spirits that corrupts a person on doing evil acts?
  For a person who does not remember anything. You nearly got it spot on but they have reasons why they do these evil acts. They say it's because of anger, betrayal, and hatred of people who have hurt them. Now there's a new one in town which surprisingly I can't believe you don't remember this but you had helped one of our members out even though she's on the other team but you and her have both discovered these new creatures called mist Foggers.
  Mist Foggers? Again I responded with a question making me sound like a broken record.
  Yes. What we know that has been indicated from the waterpark that these creatures are similar to the Dark Shadows but instead of corrupting a persons soul. These Solis creatures from my research that we have done. What it looks like is that these creatures only feed on objects and powerful people like you and I. They can take forms of people but not as well as a Dark Shadow but what these foggers have over the shadows is not just their strength but if the shadow should face the fogger, the fogger can devour its power and make it as their own so they could have that copy ability.
  Now that's freaky. Do any of these creatures have a leader?
  Yes. He said then he stopped to look over his notes at a computer that was on the other side of the room.
  What we have found out is that Linda the goddess of the Mist Foggers is the leader of them and we do not know who is the head leader of the Dark Shadows. We thought it was your sister Sarah but the words that she had said was correct. She had no ability to create them by her self especially when she was the one who was corrupted by them. He said while looking to turn back towards me with my face giving out an astonishment and confusion at the same time trying to understand everything that's going on. The way how we found out that Sarah was not the one was right after when you were pierced by a dagger, we were able to find a strange power energy that seems to be abnormal in human life meaning on earth.
  An abnormal power that's not hers and I do not remember of having a sister. Why would she become a dark shadow and what happened?
  You're asking us a whole lot of questions that we just don't know. Possibly Captain Felicia but she haven't given us the resources yet except the blood that was drawn from Cindy Winterkeys which, that is still being researched.
  Then why can't we combined the powers what Sarah has and try to estimate who's power is on the dagger? Then I started thinking to myself. So that's why I am injured.
  We have. That's how we know that Sarah is not the one but whoever's power is on that dagger had fadeaway after when we pulled it out of you. It was very strong which surprisingly it wasn't hers because behind the power that Sarah has. She's just a human that was just given that evil soul. Normal Dark Shadows do not have special powers except for whatever corrupts them.
  So i'm guessing the dagger that Sarah had was the leader of these dark shadows and I'm guessing the one behind her corruption wanted her to kill me.
  I never thought of that but correct. He said with pride in his voice while feeling surprised on how fast I am able to figure this out even without my memory. Now the question is, why does this leader wants me dead and what does this person have against people in general?
  That one we still don't know just yet but that's why we are doing our research. He logged off the computer then started coming back towards me with a slow and steady paste.
  The blood that captain Felicia took off of that woman. You said her name is Cindy? How long until we get some feedback?
  About three days possibly. The earliest can be tomorrow. Then he seen me nodding my head. What I want you to do for right now is rest because your bodies trying to heal with the antidote that we have gave you so hopefully by then when we get our testings back we can get you back into action and we can get ourselves closer to where Cindy is at and the locations where leader Linda's at.
  Why is Cindy so important for our case?
  I'm guessing you are a detective right? The doctor asked while raising his eyebrow.
  Yes. Why?
  We can use your intelligence to trace both of them. Until your memory comes back to you. We can't help you out with that information because only you remember and Crystal who backed you up at the water park knows on what happened. The only thing I can tell you is Linda and Cindy's blood are matching on our graph but we're not 100% for certain if we can link them just yet. That's why it's taking us a little longer to get the results back.
  I see. I simply responded while deep in thought.
  I will talk to you later on Detective Lorencefield. Like I said, please rest because we are going to need your help. He said as he was about to walk out the door until I said something.
  I never agreed to anything. What makes you certain that I know all of this and I can help?
  Because all of this is all depending on you and your actions. Then he left without anything else to say. Then as I sat there with my eyes still glazing at the door where the doctor left out of. Millions of questions started running through my head especially on the last statement that he said.
It all depends on me? What does that mean? Am I the only hope that's left to help these people out? What makes him think that I know all of this? They're expecting me to know everything, they are expecting me to raise out of this hospital bed and jumped into action like nothings wrong but all in between. I don't even know what's going on. This is too confusing for me to even understand and they have all their expectations on me thinking that I know how to resolve all of this. Wherever I am Matt. I just hope that I'm just dreaming because this is too crazy for me. Then suddenly The darkness started over taking me by surprise. Then The last words that came out of my mouth was, "the medicine they injected me with." then I fell asleep just until I started hearing voices.

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