14: Hurt

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'We haven't kissed since... Since Joel. I want to say that she thinks differently of me now but the way she holds my hands every chance she gets makes me think otherwise.'

She looked over at the sleeping woman, using Ellie's jacket as a pillow while laying next to the fire in a deep sleep.

'(Y,n) has been tired lately, she's been throwing up as well. I think she has a fever so I've been letting her sleep while I stay up during the nights. I'm sure it'll go away soon.'

The two women walked through the grass, avoiding every trip mine that lead to an explosive death heading for the TV station. A woman named Leah is supposed to be stationed there, she better be still there after all the trouble they've been through.

Ellie took glances at her friend, looking over her body with a slight worry that didn't go unnoticed by (Y,n). "Can you stop?" She asked with a hint of annoyance.


"I already told you I'm fine. Just... The smell of that rotten body made me sick. That's all." It wasn't like (Y,n) didn't enjoy her constant worrying, it was more of the fact that she didn't want Ellie to just focus on her and not the mission ahead. They came out here to do one thing and one thing only. Find Abby and her friends. And kill them.

"Well, I smelled it too and I didn't barf- maybe you're still a little sick," Ellie didn't want to push her to her limits but she knew if she offered to take her back to their resting site (Y,n) would shut her down immediately. Joel meant a lot to the both of them, there was no way they were gonna go home until this is over.

"There it is," Ellie pointed at the tall TV station. "Keep an eye out, watch the windows." She stalked around the place,

"I don't think anyone is here... Wouldn't they have heard all those explosions and came out already?" (Y,n) was right. It's too quiet around here.

"Let's try to find a way in." The garage door was locked from the inside and they couldn't get through the thick bushes to the doors but the way the walls were shaped allowed them climb on top the second floor.

"Fuck..." Ellie breathed out upon seeing a man leaning against the wall, dead.

"Ugh- that's brutal. Tommy do this?" (Y,n) pulled out her gun and fought the urge to gag at the sight of the man's stomach ripped open.

"Let's get inside," Ellie knew Tommy was capable of bad things but this... Could he have done this? She didn't even want to know the answer herself. Ellie walked to side and saw another body that had an arrow stuck in her chest, "hmm... He doesn't use an bow." She mumbled.

"Hey! Up here!" While Ellie searched the ground, her lover friend climbed a rope up to a window. If she could do that then maybe (Y,n) was okay.

In the hallway, their was a trail of blood leading to another a body with an arrow through his neck. (Y,n) picked up his makeshift hammer while Ellie walked ahead, trying to find a way out with the doors being locked from the inside.

"We can climb through the vent, come on." Ellie dropped down first into an office with large windows only to pause in her steps at the sight in front of her,

"What's are loo... Holy shit," (Y,n) stared at the hanging bodies with horror.

"This is definitely not Tommy's doing." They searched the surrounding office for a minute, wanting to stock on any supplies that was left.

"Who do you think did this? It had to have been a large group,"

"I don't know... But it's obviously a message." They walked into the lobby and stared at the hanging people, the closer they got the more horrific the scene became. Their guts were spilling from the stomach and fresh blood was still dripping on the ground, thank god they weren't early to the party.

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