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"A note. That's all she left- a fucking note!" Ellie yelled in frustration while kicking the garbage can clear across the room, having trash spill fly out in different directions but it meant nothing to her, all that mattered was that you were gone and the note barely did enough to explain why. Scratch that, it didn't do anything to explain why you had packed your things left.

"(Y,n) did say she's coming back," Tommy pointed out, causes the enraged nineteen-year-old to glare at him. "B-but who knows how long she'll be." He quickly added, not wanting to end like the garbage can.

"How'd she even get past the gates? Jesse and Carl were up there weren't they? Those two are always so protective of her." Ellie paced around Joel's living room while clenching and releasing her fist trying to calm herself down. The only reason Ellie even stepped foot in Joel's house is that her girlfriend often spent time with him, usually sharing -stolen- traded coffee beans and talking about whatever, so once she found (Y,n)'s note her first thought was to run to Joel's place to see if she could catch her speaking to him before she ran away.

But sadly, her girlfriend was already gone.

"She lied, saying I wanted her to head out on parole by herself since it wasn't too far from Jackson," Maria informed them, shaking her head in disappointment. That girl is like a daughter to her and Tommy and now she's only god knows where.

"Fuck... Fuck!" Ellie shook her hands in anger before plopping down on the couch with a frustrated sigh. No matter how upset she was with (Y,n) she still felt sadness mixed with worry and fear. Who knows what kind of trouble she could be in right now, for all they knew, (Y,n)'s stuck in a shack with infected at her door just dying to sink their teeth in her soft flesh.

Just thinking about that happening made her stomach twist up in fear making Ellie sit her elbows on her knees and held her heavy head.

"'The moon shines the brightest when I'm with you'. What does that mean?" Joel placed the note back on the coffee table, waiting for an answer from the young adult.

"I don't know..." She mumbled, wiping her face downward while looking up at the three adults. "I don't know what it means and I hate that I don't." Ellie's eyes wandered to the fireplace where multiple family pictures and drawings stood but she focused on the one of her pulling (Y,n) in with a side hug, lovingly kissing her cheek with a smile. It made her heartache.

"What if she doesn't love me anymore?" She whimpered.

"Whoa, okay. The note specifically says she does love you, honey." Maria was the first to speak up with urgency.

"Then what does she mean by, 'Sadly, dreams never last'? And right after mentioning our daydream about living on a farm together? I feel like she's saying that will never come true," Ellie stood up with tears in her eyes, picking the note back up. "What if that's why she left?"

"There's no way she would've left you," Joel said to reassure her but was met with a harsh scoff,

"And how would you know?" She challenged. Positive that he's just talking to make her feel better.

"Because when we'd spend time with each other most of the time (Y,n) would talk about is how much she's in love with you, Ellie. Rather it was her remembering something small you did or plain out gushing over the thought of you. So I'm pretty sure she'd never leave you forever, kid." Joel was a little sad to just now hear about their plans to move out of Jackson. Ellie must have told her not to tell him, wanting to keep it secret but all of that was pushed away once her face went from irritated and sad to a smirk and a mildly relaxed expression.

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