Chapter 7.

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"I always hate the first day back at school after a vacation" I complained as I walked into the doors of my high school with my friend Ebony by my side. I haven't heard from Matt since he kissed me, but then again he did say he'd see me at school.
Ebony bumped into me playfully,
"Stop worrying about it Lex. He's probably been busy, and I bet he's super excited to see you."

Ebony is one of the only female friends that I have. We met Sophomore year and just immediately clicked.
She doesn't smoke, but she'll drink like there's no tomorrow.

We stood in front of our AP Biology class waiting for the bell to ring,
"Ebs, I'm soooo relieved that you're finally back from your vacation. I missed you soo much."
She just smiled and nodded as she basically looked right through me.
"Honestly Eb-" I stopped talking when I felt strong arms wrap around my waist. Please be Matt and not Sammy? "Miss me?" As soon as I recognized the voice, I turned around and wrapped my arms around Matt's waist. I opened my eyes before pulling away from the embrace and ended up making eye contact with Sammy who was just down the hall at his locker. I felt sick to stomach.

Once I pulled away from the hug I couldn't even look at Matt.
We aren't together, but I still felt so bad for what happened the night of Nate's party. "I gotta get to class, but I'll see you at lunch?" he smiled, before turning and leaving.

I sat all throughout AP Biology just daydreaming, I can't believe I let Wilkinson get the best of me...

I kept pacing in front of the door as I read the message over and over again.
1 text message from: Sammy. 😒
"Coming over."

I couldn't help but jump when I heard a loud knock. Fuck, he's here.
I threw my phone on a side table before opening the door.
"Hey.." I mumbled.
He didn't even responded, he just walked pass me and into my living room. "Matt? Really?" "Sammy.. Stop.."
He turned to face me, "No Alexia. All of the guys saw us make out and now they're gonna see you with Matt. It makes me look like a fool."
I couldn't believe him, all he ever thinks about is himself.
"How do you think I would look if people saw me alone and saw you with every other girl at school?! I refuse to have everyone think I'm just another stupid girl that fell for your games!"

He got closer to me as he spoke, lowering his voice, "Lex..." I felt the goosebumps rise as his hand lightly brushed up and down my arm. My breath hitched when he grabbed my hand and lightly pulled me closer to him. I could feel the warmth of his breath on my skin. I opened my mouth to speak, but it was as if I forgot how to. Our lips began to gravitate closer to each other like magnets. He hungrily pushed his lips against mine, and although I hesitated, I eventually gave in and began to kiss back.

I felt his warm tongue graze across my lips asking for entrance. I obliged, parting my lips as his tongue began to dance with mine. I reached my hands up and placed them in his hair, tugging and pulling at his brown strands.
As he moaned into my mouth he wrapped his arms around my waist and firmly gripped my bum, gaining control. He held on to me as he fell back onto the couch, being sure not to break the kiss.

I was pulled out of my flashback by the ringing of the loud bell and Ebony snapping her fingers in front of me.
"Heeellloooo, let's goooo"
I shook my head while gathering my stuff. As I followed her out of the door I couldn't stop thinking about that night.
We didn't have sex, but his hands were still all over my body.
His lips were still on my lips.
His tongue was still down my throat.
His backpack is even still in my room from when he came back and spent the night at my house after the party.
I started feeling sick to my stomach again.

Did I betray Matt or was it okay?

I walked into second period to see that my second period teacher decided it would be a good idea to assign new seats. I found the sticky note with my name on it and sat down. Matt came in a little late and ended up being seated right next to me.

My teacher spoke loudly over the individual conversations going on, "Okay class, today we're just going to have a movie day. Enjoy."
He popped in Forrest Gump and sat back down behind his desk with his eyes glued on a book.

Matt turned and looked at me. "Hey, I'm sorry I didn't get to talk or hang out with you again after we kissed. I've been so busy with getting everything situated, you know?" I smiled and nodded as he put his hand on top of my thigh. "Can we hang at lunch? I'd say after school, but I have football practice." I shook my head no and jokingly said, "Nah, I'm good"
I giggled as he smirked and said, "Alright, I'll meet you by the trophy case at 12:30."

I looked at my phone as Matt walked over to the trophy case; Right on time.
I didn't even get to greet him before he grabbed my hand and pulled me outside.

I laughed, "Where are we going?"
"To the bleachers. There's less noisy people out here." We sat down on the bleachers and he pulled out a big bag of chips from his backpack.
"Get to talking!" He said as he handed me the now open bag.
"What do you wanna know?" I asked, taking a handful and placing them on my folder. He smiled at me before remarking, "Everything..."

"Well, You already know I've been here my whole life and I've only traveled to Oregon and Nebraska..."
He laughed, "No. I want likes and dislikes. I want to get to know you. Like, what's your favorite color?"
I couldn't help but smile, "Green.."
He swallowed before continuing,
"And, what do you like to do? Other than partying and passing out on me."
I threw a chip at him for his remark,
"I like to read and go to concerts. I just really love books and music." He was staring at me for a while. I couldn't help but become captivated in his eyes. The light of the sun was making them lighter and shinier than usual.
He broke me out of my trance when he spoke again, "Aw how cute, the glasses are really because you're a nerd..."

I glared at him, "You're a dumb jock, shut up." His laugh roared through my ears, "I'm not dumb though! I swear." Once he controlled himself he stared at me and quietly said, "The nerd and the jock, what a cute pairing..."
I couldn't help but smile again.
He was just so... Perfect?

The bell rang and we gathered up our stuff and headed back inside the school. I started to walk towards my class but I felt Matt's hand wrap around my wrist, "Wait.. I gotta ask you something."
It remained silent for a while before he continued to speak, "I know we barely know each other, and you probably think I'm super insecure for this, but can you promise me that I don't have to worry about anyone else being able to call you theirs before I do?"
I tried to cut in, but he continued,
"I haven't been able to stop thinking about you and the kiss. I really want to get to know you better. I already like you a lot, Alexia..."

I took a deep breath before speaking, "Okay, 1) That's probably the cutest thing ever.. 2) I promise, and 3) why not just ask me to be your girlfriend?" He laughed at me and wrapped me up in his arms, "If you wanna be my girlfriend, I guess that's cool too..."
I nodded, "Why not? I mean, doesn't everybody get together after a couple dates anyway, whether they know each other a bunch or not?" He smiled at me before kissing my lips softly and walking away. I jokingly yelled at his back, "Hurry. I don't need my dumb jock boyfriend being late!"



Alexia walked into class late smiling and took her seat by the pencil sharpener. I quickly found a wooden pencil and got up to sharpen it.
Her smile vanished and she rolled her eyes as soon as she saw me,
"Sammy, go away... You don't even use pencils." I decided to just cut to the chase before we both became our teachers new favorite victims for talking, "Look I just need my backpack from your house. Can I catch a ride after school?"

Her eyes widened and she loudly whispered, "What the fuck? No. Just come over later tonight and get it." I smirked, "Aw, you don't want your little boy toy to find out about our time together?" I could tell I was aggravating her, but truthfully it was one of my favorite things to do.

"It was a mistake. He can't find out, me and him just-" her lips parted but she didn't continue speaking. "Just what?" She licked her lips before saying, "N-nothing. Just come at like, 7. I uhm, got-gotta do something for my mom."
I shrugged and walked away.
What was up with her?

Disclaimer: teens are dumb and tend to be too quick to jump into relationships.

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