Chapter 18.

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The next morning at school I walk up to Matt, the Jacks, and a girl I've never met before, "who's this?" I ask clearly annoyed at the fact that not only is there some new girl hanging with my friends, but she's also awfully close and smiley with my boyfriend.

"This is Jessica. Jessica, this is Alexia," Matt introduces us.

I glare at him before Gilinsky rests a hand on my shoulder, silently signaling for me to chill.

Jessica looks from me to Matt and then back at me again, "Oh, YOU'RE the girlfriend.." she says surprised. Before I can even reply the bell rings signaling that it's time for class. I grab onto Matt's hand and we start walking to our first class, but we weren't alone this time.

"So, you're new?" I speak up in attempt to break the awkward silence between us three.

"I've actually been in town for a week."

"Really? I haven't seen you around, that's weird."

"I mostly keep to myself, I guess. Just trying to get settled in and stuff. You know?"

I nod in reply, even though she can't see me with Matt separating us.

"So.. How did you meet Matt?"

"My little brother is actually on the football team with him. I've been hanging out at their practices the past couple of days and then I have Matt in a lot of my classes as well."

Once we get outside of my AP Biology class I let go of Matt's hand and turn to face him, "are we still on for after school today?"

He looks at me apologetically, "I actually have some things I have to do. I'm sorry."

Before I can even reply he quickly pecks my cheek and then continues down the hall with Jessica. Ok then.


At lunch Jessica sits with us at our table. As soon as Sammy shows up and sits across from me he shoots a glance at the random girl sitting on the left side of my boyfriend and then looks at me on Matt's right side for some answers. I just shrug and go back to picking at my food.

15 minutes into lunch all of Matt's attention seems to be on the, apparently super funny, conversation that he's having with Jessica. My phone vibrates on the table, and since Jack and Jack are both caught up in a debate about water brands, I know exactly who my text is from.

Text Message from: Sammy.
What the fuck is this ? Who the fuck is that ?

I text him back a quick text that reads "new girl" and set my phone back down, only to have it vibrate a few seconds later.

Text Message from: Sammy.
Do I have permission to slam hers and Matt's heads on the table so they'll fucking shut up already ?

I chuckle and look up to find a small smirk placed across Sammy's face as he types quickly on his phone.
My phone vibrates once more in my hand;

Text Message from: Sammy.
You fucking imagined it huh? 😂😂😂

Sammy and I both start busting up laughing causing everyone's attention to turn to us. Matt looks at me questioningly, opening his mouth to say something, but then quickly being interrupted by the bell.


Once the last bell of the day rings I quickly rush to my locker and gather my things. Matt said he had something to do today so I head straight to the parking lot. As soon as I reach my car I see Sammy leaning back against the drivers door waiting for me.

"What do you want?" I groan.

"Let's hang. We'll just like chill at the mall or something."

"What's the catch?" I ask raising an eyebrow as I push him away from my door.

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