Chapter 12.

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The school day is finally over so I rush over to the gym to meet up with Matt when I see that the basketball team is practicing a little before their game tonight. I decide to just walk into the gym and watch until Matt finds the time to call me to ask where I am.

I chuckle a little when I see Sammy with his hands on his hips shaking his head. He does that every time he misses a clear shot. I decide to walk over to the short, gray-haired coach standing on the sidelines.

"Hi Ms. Gonzalez, you showing up to this laugh fest tonight?" he asks wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"You know I never miss a game, coach" it was true, ever since I befriended Sammy and Nate my freshman year I made it my duty to show up to all their games. Even when I had one myself an hour or so before.

Freshman year, such simple times...

"You trying out for the girls team? They're still looking for some players you know." Coach interrupts my thoughts.

"I don't think so coach..." I shake my head watching as Sammy sloppily throws a free throw.

See, I was on the girl's team my freshman year, but I had to quit mid-season because my mom's job became more demanding and, according to my mom, Maya still wasn't old enough to take care of herself.

"Your sister's a freshman now. I think she can take care of herself.." he urges.

"I know it's just... I don't think I have it in me anymore"

"You love the game.. I believe you still have it in you."

"LEX! YOU READY?!" Matt yells from the gym door interrupting my current conversation.

I sigh, "See ya later coach.."

"Think about it, Ms. Gonzalez!" He yells after me as I hurry out the door with Matt.


In the locker room after practice all anyone could talk about was Alexia.

"It was cute of your girl to show up to practice, but does she know that she's supposed to leave with you too?" one of my teammates comments throwing a damp towel at me.

"Funny, man... But she ain't my girl"

"Nah, but you want her to be. Or she was. Or whatever," another remarks.

"Nahhh... She never was. And she never will be, everyone knows I can't be tied down" I chuckle drying my hair with a towel.

"Keep lying to yourself Sammy boy.."

"Alexia can tie me down any day!!" another teammate, Nathan, says, causing a lot of the other guys to agree.

Once I'm all dressed, I decide to go home for a quick nap before the game in a few hours. I sneak out the back so I don't have to deal with Coach D's criticism, not to mention, me and my body both know that I need some rest before the game, so I quickly walk away from the school and all the way home.


"Matt. We'll study for a few hours but I have to go to the game,"

He stares me down as I open the door to my house and hold a hand out, gesturing for him to go in. I was annoyed. The whole way home we argued because I told him that I have to go to the basketball game tonight.

"You don't HAVE to go.." he mumbles, as he sets his math book out on the dining room table so we can start.

"I promised I would," I sigh setting a glass of water down in front of him and then proceeding to take a sip of mine.

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