Chapter 19.

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You know how they say communication is key in a relationship and all that mumbo jumbo?
Well Matt and I have been lacking communication for a good two weeks now. We finally started talking again after he apologized and we even started hanging out more but it's still just not the same..

He's distant, I'm distant. Something's missing.

Ebony told me she's been seeing him with Jessica a lot lately after school too, before he goes over to my house to get me so we can go out. I have no comment on that right now.

As I walk into school the first thing I hear is Sammy's voice trying to get my attention, "LEEEXXXX!!" I turn around and walk right over to him but before I can open my mouth to ask what he wants he pulls me by my hand into the closest empty classroom and shuts the door.

"What do you want?" I laugh lightly as he sits down on a desk.

"What are you doing after school?"

"Uhm, homework with Matt and then I have an away game and I have to be here by 7."

"Oh shit! You have a game today? Where?"

"Hollydale, Samuel. But no ones going that's why you didn't know"

He just nods his head and tells me nevermind. Although I question why he asked what I was doing in the first place I decide to just ignore it because I knew I'd never find out.
The bell rings and we both walk out the classroom heading in opposite directions.

After school, Matt meets me at my car and we drive to his house.
"Okay so.. Logarithms," I sigh as I sit down on his couch next to him.

"I don't wanna do it. We can always study tomorrow," he says as he plants a kiss on my lips.

"Matt.. It's kinda important. Just because the homework is due at the end of the week doesn't mean we should wait to do it"

"Yeah, I know, I just missed you. Please?" He pulls a puppy dog face that I can't say no to and we end up cuddling and kissing and watching movies until it's time for me to leave for my game.

-At the Game, in the locker room-

"You'll NEVER guess who's here tonight.." I hear one of my teammates squeal as she comes into the locker room.

"Who?!" Another eagerly questions.


My eyes go wide. Sammy?

As soon as our team walks out and coach decides to put me on the bench for the start of the game I look back and end up looking directly at Sammy. He shakes his head at me, laughing a little because I'M sitting on the bench, coach should know better.

Once I finally start to play, I hear Sammy yelling encouragements from the stands, resulting in me making the winning basket.

Once everyone starts moving Sammy meets me at the end of the stands, "hey friend" he smiles.

"What are you doing here?"

"Lex, how many of my away games did you go to? I had to come. Why wouldn't I?"

I hug him and I can feel eyes on us but honestly, who cares?

"Let me drive you home?" He asks, pulling away. I nod and we leave together.

-The Next Day-

I wake up in my bed, wrapped up in Sammy's sweater. After a little bit of moaning and groaning I decide it's time to get up and go to school.

The whole day is slow and I've never been happier to get to our table at lunch time.
I see Matt already there sitting with Jessica and having, assuming by the smile on his face and the repeated laughs escaping his mouth, the funniest conversation ever. I sit down across from them and soon feel a presence next to me, Sammy.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2016 ⏰

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