Chapter 4.

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Once I hear the door swing open and the boys howling and laughing, I creep my way down the stairs.
"Alexia? What are you doing here?" Gilinsky asks with a smug look on his face.
"I uh.. Well.." I stutter as I try to find an excuse as to why I'm at Sammy's house.
"Her mom needed her to drop something off for my mom." Sammy answers swiftly, "ANYWAY, where's J?"
A new smile appeared on Gilinsky's lips, he begins to answer but is immediately interrupted by the front door swinging open again.
My eyebrow flies up as Johnson walks in with some other guy that looks familiar..

I quickly realize where I know this guy from, shit it's the guy I passed out on during one of Gilinsky's parties last year..
A loud roar of talking and laughing fills the room as everybody (except me) takes their turn greeting the guy.

We all make our way to the dining room and I decide to take a seat next to Sammy with the guy I embarrassed myself in front of last year sitting across from me.
Johnson immediately realizes that not everyone is acquainted and begins to fix that, "Oh, where's our manners guys? Alexia, this is our friend Matt, he's finally moving here to LA with us and once break is over he'll be in school with us too." I smile as Matt takes my hand and shakes it while remarking, "We've uh, kinda met before. Hi."
I reply with a simple, "Yeah, I remember... Hi."
As I pull my hand away I feel Sammy's lightly smack on my thigh.

"So.. How do you guys know each other?" Sammy asks with annoyance clear in his voice. I open my mouth to answer, but Matt interrupts me, "She kinda passed out on me at that one party I was actually down here for." I felt Sammy's hand give my thigh a little squeeze. I could feel the heat flushing my cheeks, "Yeah, sorry about that.." Matt chuckled before saying, "Hey, it's no big deal. I had a cute girl passed out on me for a good 30 minutes, it wasn't the worst thing ever." I felt my cheeks get hotter at his remark. Looking out of the corner of my eye I could see Sammy's jaw clench, but his grip on my thigh loosened. I excused myself and rushed up to Sammy's room to get a hold of myself.

I listen as the boys laugh and reminisce, but my eyes quickly go wide when I hear Sammy say, "I'm gonna go get some movies and cards from my room real quick, I'll be back."
Ugh why can't we just play pool? I think to myself as I listen to his loud footsteps rush up the stairs.

"You like him" he spits out as soon as he steps in the room. I watch him as he walks around the room and gathers a pack of cards and some movies, "Are you stupid? I don't even know him, Sammy. Honestly, you're such an idiot sometimes." As I continue ranting, he stepped closer to me with his face softening up, "You're right.. I overreacted. I just don't like competition, remember? C'mon let's get back." He planted a soft kiss on my forehead before we both headed back downstairs to the others.

As we stepped into the living room, Matt stood up from his seat, "Here, you can have mine since there's none left." A small smile crept on my face as I walked over to him and took my seat. After a few games of 21, Gilinsky had this wise idea to play truth or dare, which I'm sure would have been more enjoyable under different circumstances...

"Alright Matthew, truth or dare?" Sammy asked with a devilish smile on his face. "Truth." Matt said with confidence. "Is it true that you have a girlfriend back home?" It was clear to me that Sammy was really using this game as a way to check out the competition that he thinks is there. I couldn't understand why he even cared if I fell for Matt, it made no sense. I don't belong to him, we're not together. "True.." Matt said quietly, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Well.." Sammy said, "I hope you guys don't mind, but I have to get Alexia home." I looked up at him questioningly, but I didn't argue. I got up and said my goodbyes. Once we reached the door I shook Matt's hand again, "It was nice running into you again." I said before Sammy dragged me out the door and into the car.

Needless to say, the car ride home was awkwardly quiet until Sam opened his big, stupid mouth.
"It was nice running into you again" he said mockingly. I scoffed. "Alexia, he has a girlfriend" I turned to him as he pulled into my driveway, "Yeah I caught that." I said annoyed.
"I was trying to protect you." he argued. "No. No, Sammy. You were trying to protect YOURSELF. You were only concerned about YOURSELF. Are you happy? You have no competition okay? You got what you wanted." He looked down as I unbuckled my seat belt and opened the car door stepping out. "Too bad you have nothing, or should I say NO ONE, to compete for anymore." I spat out before slamming the door. I rushed up my front porch steps and walked into my house, quickly shutting the door behind me.

My phone beeped;
1 text message from: Sammy. 😏
"If you don't like him, then why are you so pissed?"

I furiously texted him back, "I'm pissed because I TOLD you that I didn't like him and you still insisted on being an ass and doing what you did. It's annoying. Maybe you should listen to me for once."

I turned my phone off and trudged up the stairs falling onto my bed and into a deep sleep.

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