Why Me

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Payton POV

I thought the best way to stay safe was to always be by someone, So he cant try anything. If everyone went somewhere I would go to and if everyone would stay in the van I would also.

I was in the back room with Prod playing a game. Roc walked in and looked at me with a evil smile until he saw Prod. He entered and just sat down looking annoyed at prod.

"Hey Prod you should do me a favor and get me a drink please" Roc said.

"Nigga get your own drink im in the middle of woopin payton ass in this game," prod said.

Roc looked annoyed and then walked out. Looks like my plan was working I was relieved. 


Ha so little girl got smart and stayed by someone. She thinks she so close sooner or later you'll need them and they wont be around.

"Hey Roc, do you want to go out with us tommarow were going shopping for Payton since her birthday is comming up in two days." kiesha asked.

"oh no I dont think I can i'v been feeling sick and got a headache," i lied.

"Oh well do you think you will be able to perform tomarrow?" she asked worried.

"yea dont worry about that I just need a day of rest so i can be energized, you know like a lazy day in the bus," i said

"Aight well Payton is staying behind so we can surprise her so keep her company,"

I sure will I thought in my head.

"Ok i'll try"

"Well you should be going to bed its getting late"

"Aight" and with that I went to bed with a smile on my face.


Payton POV

I woke up still a little sleepy but went to princeton's bunk to hang with him for the day and not alone. I opened his curtain but he wasnt in there. I went to prods bunk and he wasnt there either. I stayed still and listened for anyone but I just herd silence. I went back to my bunk and found a note on my curtain, "We all went out exept Roc he wasnt feeling good, bye =)" I thought "Maybe I could go outside" It was a straight shot to the door from where i was standing. I quickly ran past rocs bunk and the bathroom I made it to the kitchen but then got hit in the stomach which knocked me to the floor. Roc was standing right there.

"Oh where do you think your going,"

"I-I thought you wasnt feeling good" i said frightened

"Oh im not but thank god I have the medicine right in front of me" he said while looking at me with an evil smile.

I tried to get up and run to the bathroom but he caught me. He started dragging me by my hair. I was screaming for help from anybody but no one came. He kept hitting me in the head and was telling me to shut up. He dragged me to the backroom and through me on the couch. 

"So lets see how many hits you get today, well there one for cheating on me again"  (HIT)

"AHH" I screamed with each hit

"There one for no listening to me" (HIT)

"Theres one for not being a good liar" (HIT) 

"And the rest is just because" (HIT) (HIT) (HIT)

I was crying so much I could barrely see. I herd a belt being taken off and I tried to stand up. That didnt work though. I managed wiping my eyes so i could see again. But I wish I couldnt. He had his pants and underwear down and 'it' was in my face.

"Suck it," Roc said with a devilish whisper.

I was scared now "No please dont make me do this"

(HIT) "Did I ask if you wanted to or not"

I slowley moved my head toward it and started to open my mouth but I guess I was moving to slow bec he shoved my head right into it. I started to cry and suck. He was moning and had his head back. I looked at him and then in surprise I bit him.

"AHHH," /roc screamed.

I crawled around him and stood up and ran to the bathroom. He was chasing right after me but I got there first. I locked the door and just sat there as I herd him try and break the door down. I Started to cry as soon as I knew I was safe and he couldnt get in. I stood up and leaned on the sink and looked at my face. I got a toothbrush and brushed my teeth for 20 minutes. I took a closer look at my face and saw another bruise I looked in  the cabnit and got some medicine and make-up to put on it. I sat there and got myself together until I herd them come in. I opened the door slowly and looked out slowly. I saw them and ran out and jumped on prince.

"Hey, Payton whats going on," Prince said with a chuckle.

"Um nothing, I was just happy to see you guys," I said with a smile.

"So how was your time with Roc," Kiesha asked. 

Flash backs came to mind quick. "It was ok," I said.

Hello people out there that is reading thank you for reading wow can you belioeve that happened. =)

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