Reminder#16 Only best thing is given to you

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"You may dislike something although it is good for you, or like something although it is bad for you: God knows and you do not."
(Surah Baqarah: Verse 216)

This verse was actually about jihad. Allah Almighty is telling the muslims that jihad is ordained for you even though you may not like it. Then He says that you may dislike something but it is actually good for you. Jihad is actually good for us. It is a way to get the pleasure of Allah Almighty. And we may like something even though it is not good for us.
So how can we apply this verse in our lives? It can be applied in two ways. Like jihad is not only going in a war. Jihad is also when you fight against your nafs, when you spend money in the way of Allah, when you spread the knowledge of deen. The jihad against nafs is very hard because we have to strive against our wishes. When you want to listen to music and you really really want to listen but you prefer to go against your nafs and you don't listen then it is also jihad. If zakat is farz upon you, you have to give zakat even if you don't want to. So we are told to do jihad. If you are a sister and you don't want to cover your head or if you are a brother and you don't want to keep a beard but still you go against your wishes and you cover your head or keep a beard for your Lord. This is jihad.

The second way to apply this verse is when we really want something like we want to get this job or we want to go there but we don't get this job or we can't go to the place we want to go then Allah Almighty is telling us in this situation that you might like something but it is in fact bad for you. Or when we get something which we really hate but Allah Almighty is telling us that it is good for you. As Allah has knowledge of everything. He has knowledge of ghaib. So our Lord because of His limitless mercy and His immense love for us, He only gives what is best for us. He has knowledge of our future. This can be understood through an example like have you seen a child who does not want to take medicine because he does not like its taste? When his mother is trying to give him medicine, he screams and he is angry at his mother that why is she doing it? Why is she giving him this medicine when she knows that I don't like this medicine? But just imagine if the mother does not give him medicine, what would you think? You would say that mother has knowledge and she knows that it's good for him then why is she doing this? Similarly you can apply to this to your own life. Just like the mother will give him medicine no matter how much he cries, your Lord loves you more than your mother. He will give you which is good for you and He will remove everything from your life which is not good for you. If you develop this habit, it will be a source of pleasure of your Lord.

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