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"You're my soulmate."

Chan's heart drops down to his stomach as the world around him stops.

All the sleepless nights, worried days, and time spent trying to hide and she's known. How is that possible?

"You know?" his voice was barely above a whisper.

"I have a 4.23 GPA, got accepted into a school with a 10% acceptance rate, and you think just going by your middle name was enough to stop me from finding out?" she asks as the anxious expression washes off Chan's face being replaced by a soft pink tint to his cheeks.

This entire time, she already knew.

"How long did you- why didn't you- wait, start from the beginning please?" Chan asks his questions going a mile a minute.

Jae chuckles.

"The first day I was here when I couldn't sleep, there was too much on my mind so I looked up the address from my soulmark. I thought I could sneak out and see my soulmate or at least figure out if they're anywhere near me." she explains. "I didn't expect it to show my current location, but it did. I freaked out obviously, but after a quick google search I figured it out."

Jae can remember the confusion, excitement, and the overwhelming feeling of that night.

The hate and drama of that day dissipated when she realized her soulmate was only a few rooms away. The person who wrote letters full of love and hope, was under the same roof.

"I played along from the next morning on. I figured you must've had a reason for not telling me, though I still don't fully know it." she raises an eyebrow hoping Chan will get the hint to tell her.

The atmosphere grows thick as the silence lingers between them.

"Hey, you don't have to. You told me now, that's what matters in the end." Jae tries to comfort the frowning boy.

"No, you should know." he sighs trying to put a smile on his face. "That morning I felt the worst soulmate pull since I found out about you." his thumb rub circles over Jae's palm. "I thought it was because you were pushing away your feelings for me, but it wasn't. I was pushing you away."

Another pause ensues as Chan tries to keep tears from flowing.

"I wasn't ready to bring you into the mess of an idol's life. The meetings, the attention, I wasn't ready to have someone I love have to go through that because of me." a tear flows down. "I wasn't ready for all of this, and i'm gonna make more mistakes in the future, but I know that being without you would be the biggest mistake I could ever make."

"There you go with the cheesy lines again." Jae wipes the tears off his face while tears fall down onto hers.

The pair's smiles and tears intermix as Chan pulls her in to a light kiss. The two break looking into each other's eyes for a second.

They found each other, through all the obstacles, managers, and crazy fans, they found each other through all of it.

"I told you they'd kiss! You owe me $10!" a distant shout was heard.

"Shut up! They're having their moment!"

"Jackson, Yugyeom shut up they can hear you!" another voice, most likely Jinyoung yelled back.

Chan and Jae burst out laughing.

"I wonder who else placed bets? I would've thought Christmas morning is when you'd tell me." Jae pokes fun at Chan. "Speaking of which." Jae remembers taking off her bag and reaching in pulling out a slightly crumpled envelope. "I should probably give you this now."

Chan carefully opens the sealed letter with a delicate touch, and begins reading it.

Dear Chris,

Should I call you Chan or just Chris now?

Yes, I do know you're my soulmate, it's taken you long enough to finally tell me. But i'm glad you did.

Now turn this note over to see the first part of your Christmas gift.

"What?" Chan looks up to Jae and turns the paper.

It's a pencil drawing of a pair of eyes. His eyebrows furrow as he tries to figure out what it's significance is. Jae is an incredible artist, and this is great and everything, but he was confused on why this would be so special?

"Keep reading." she pushes the letter closer to his face with a small laugh.

Another original piece to hang in your room;)

Chan cringes at the sudden realization. God, was he really that dumb.

"I left the artwork you sent me hanging in my room didn't I?" he asks hiding his face in his hands.

"You did, and you wonder why I knew?" she says in a sarcastic tone and laughs along with him.

Their laughter echoes through the empty park.

"Well, you would've lost the bet." he sticks his tongue out and pulls Jae by her belt loop closer to him. "So now you have to attend a meeting with me on Christmas Eve as your punishment." he tries to casually slid in the mention of the meeting.

It didn't work.

Chan tried to put on the sweetest smile he could, but that didn't stop Jae's voice from being heard a town away.

"You waited until the day before to tell me that!"


Thank you for all the support!!!

I'm screaming by how many people have read this already

I'm soooo thankful, it's crazy that people actually like this so tytytyty

Have a good day:p

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