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I didn't realise how tightly I was clutching my dress with my hands until she shook me gently. How can I believe what I have heard? How could it be? Is he really the next in line to the throne?

But he looked so down to the earth and carefree at the good moments I spent with him even for a small time. He didn't even give such a hint to me. But how did I miss about his wealth, palace like residence, the guards with the same uniform,expensive clothes and his extraordinary beauty comparing to the others.

I am really a big fool.Oh God! what am I suppose to do now? I need some fresh air right now. Yes, I need some oxygen right now to relieve the stress I am feeling right now. So I gave a small smile to the girl who was having a puzzled look on her face after seeing my pale face..

Yes if I was another girl, she would have jumped up and down hearing the news as it's not easy to be the pet of the next in line to the throne. But I am not any other girl. I am me, just Sofia.

I need only freedom ,not to be caged in a palace without any contact of living beings. But how can I escape this trap now?

I excused to the girl and moved my legs towards a door which lead to the back garden of the huge house. I have to clear my mind a little no matter what before I face him again. What is he planning to do to me? I know that he doesn't want see me even a little after that incident.

My head is filled with so many unanswered questions. When I opened the door, it led me to a small pathway. So I strolled down the pathway which had decorated with lights ,having no idea where I am going.

But there was no reason for me to panic as I sensed the gentle breeze and the sound of water clattering. It really started calming down my escalating heart beat for a second.

There was a wooden bridge which led to the beautiful river which reflected the New York lights. Truly it was quite a sight to hold. Yes! at least for now I am away from the horrible vampires and the sexy pants.

So I removed the uncomfortable heels I was wearing and placed them on one side of the bridge and sat holding the Barbecue sandwich I brought along with me.

My mind wandered back to the time in orphanage. Why did I grow up so fast? If not, I would have stayed there even for a little while. I thought that coming to new York will open up new doors for me. But look where I have ended up right now.

Even though I was hungry to eat the Sandwiches earlier, I truly lost the appetite to eat it with that thought. I don't know why I am weak and downward about myself this much. But I cannot stop them coming to my mind right now.

Eventually two tear drops which were stuck in my eyes for a long time started cascade down my cheeks. It seems the tears have no plan to stop right now. So I just sat there like a lifeless corpse with tear stained face while looking at the never ending river and the sky filled with countless stars.

I didn't know how long I was crying and sobbing. But clearing of somebody's throat and the question he asked brought me back to the reality.

" Are you ok little belle?"

I instantly turned my head to look at the source of the deep voice. Actually whom do you think stood there with his all glory? not the one you are thinking. But another striking vampire with dark golden silky hair and attractive pair of silver eyes. These creatures are lucky enough to be born with such a beauty even though they are blood suckers. It truly amazes me sometimes.

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