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I tried so hard to get at least a little sleep. I even tried to close my eyes by force and wait till the sleep reach me. But it seems that a sleep is nowhere near. Because my mind is wide awake in another world.

I can hear the sound of the wind and the way the curtains flying up and down to the rhythm of it. And also I can hear the faint sound the horns of the moving vehicles far away to remind me that the night is still too young. Someone might think that I might not in a good place not to get a sleep at night. But I am... I am in a better place more than ever. Because I feel so comfortable and have a serene feeling though my body is little so sore to move after an eventful night. But the unknown experience of pleasure I got to taste for the first time in my life has taken my sleep to another dimension.

His right hand is circled around my waist hugging me to his chest. His left hand is placed under my waist with a tight grip and his face is hidden in the crook of my neck. That's not at all. His legs are tangled with mine like a vine while spooning me. According to our position right now, I can hear the slow and steady sounds of his breaths very clearly that indicates me that he has fallen into a beautiful sound sleep.

I still can't believe if this is a dream or not. Because 9 hours ago I was a crying mess not knowing what to do or sort out what I felt for him after witnessing what I shouldn't. And I was like a stubborn mull determining myself with the promise not to forgive him ever. But look where I am right now. Now I know why many women forgive their men no matter how mean or bad they were to them. And I also used to blame in my head for the female characters in some of the books I have read for their stupidity for letting their men hurt them over and over again and accepting them back. But now I can understand why they did so after being in kind of a position similar to that though the circumstances were different. Because the affection become a huge factor for the women not to let their men go. I think it's truly magnificent.

However the main reason that I cannot get a sleep while he sleeps like a baby is little bit odd to discuss. Actually the main issue that I cannot sleep is because of him. It doesn't mean that I am angry or disappointed of what happened between us few hours ago. Because I can say without a doubt that tonight is one of the most magical nights for me for experiencing something beautiful and pleasurable at the same time.

I never knew that my body is capable of producing such pleasure under the delicious touch of his magical hands and skin. Now I have a small understanding why people get addicted to sex like drug addicts. Because it makes you to go after it needing more and more as it takes you to another world without a care in the world. I think it's 100% correct as I am also experiencing the same feeling. It's true we were drowned in our lustful dance few hours ago. But right now... I think I just... just want him to make me feel again like that. Does it make me a bad person? A dirty woman?

"I am happy to know that you also want me again so badly right now..."

"Zion..." who knew he can hear what I am thinking. I thought he was sleeping actually.

"Mmmm...what's it love? God you smell so good..."

"I...." I think I cannot open my mouth and demand something like that. Because it's awful to ask like that as this is my first time. What will he think of me? I don't know why...but when he is plastered to me like this, I cannot stop the dirty things that I want him to do to me.

"God... what have you done to my girl Zion?" I can hear the little chuckle he made. Errrr are doomed.

" Turn to my side Love..." I really like this sexy voice of him when he whispers like that to my ear. God how can I resist him when he say so? When I turned to face him, I think the desire within mine to have him inside me intensified thrice. Because that after sex hotness was very well emphasised in those green orbs.

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