Blue Sea Vs Green Forest

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Embarrassment is something that started to follow me like a shadow since I bumped into this particular vampire prince for the first time. So I did the best solution that came to my mind at that moment. I instantly got down from his lap in a hurry and jumped out of the limousine without giving any option for him to talk or react. But I had totally forgotten about my bandaged feet due to the free show we offered to the butler few minutes ago.

"Ah... oh god... it hurts...Mmmhh" I hold on to the nearest cement pillar at the entrance.

"Ms. Charmeine, are you ok?"

Butler seems really concerned about my pain than somebody who is getting down concerning about his wrinkled shirt like nothing happened.

"Umm...I just cut my feet accidently. But I am fine. Thank you." I just replied shyly still thinking about what he might have thought seeing me so close to his master like that. That's not really good Sofia. Yes that's bad, too bad girl. But I didn't do it on purpose.

"Vincent ask one of the maids to come to my room."

"Yes master, I will, right now."

Then the next instant, he took me in the bridal style while my uncomfortable heels are hanging on one of his big hands.

However this time I decided not to look at his face. Instead of that, I kept my face lowered to the ground. The incident earlier really shook me to the core. Oh! that was so weird. And also I have no way of going against him this time because of two reasons.

First is he is fast and I don't know what he will try to do if I try to protest. Secondly, I know that I am unable to climb up the stairs up to his floor when my feet are aching so badly with the wounds.

" Hold on to me, we'll be in the room within seconds."

So instead of arguing with him this time, I slowly circled my hands around his neck to support my weight on his hands and closed my eyes. Because my whole brain will whirl with fast moving things around me if I keep my eyes opened as I have seen how fast he is.

Then we reached his door within few seconds. But I have noted one more change here. There are no guards at his door or on this floor unlike last time. I should ask about that later. But I know that this is not the right time.

However instead of keeping me on the couch, he took me to his royal bathroom and made me sit on one of the bathroom stools slowly.

"Wait here... a maid will come and help you to remove... you know... the dress and the other stuff and freshen up your self."

I know that I look like a tomato right now as a memory of the first night bathroom scene came to my mind.

So without giving him any answer, I just nodded my head and started playing with my fingers. Though my mind is filled with many things, I haven't forgotten what happened earlier.

He waited few seconds observing my face carefully. I waited till he tells something.. but nothing came except the stare he is giving me. And again my whole body began to heat even without my permission.

What is he doing to me?

I think I should avoid those green eyes as much as possible. Because it gives me weird feelings in my tummy all the time whenever I meet his eyes.

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