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That morning when I came out of the palace, I was a total mess. I wonder why I didn't go mad at this rate. The strength, the motivation and the determination I had to win the world has disappeared within seconds.

It's not wrong if I tell you that I was like a dead corpse. I thought he will be my light forever. I thought he will be my rock forever. I thought he will be my future forever. But they were just imaginations I had made up in my mind. God! What a fool I was.

After experiencing the most horrible shock in my life, I new I am drained already. I had no strength to argue with anybody for anything. But I knew I cannot wait there any longer. I knew I am not ready to see his beautiful face and see through the displeasure he has for me. So I had made up my mind already to do what I thought.

Gabriella didn't tell anything exept squeezing my fingers letting me know that she is there for me on the way to her house. I couldn't hold the tears any longer knowing he won't be mine ever. But instead of anger, the disappointment and the heartache ate me alive. Because in my heart, he is my mate though he isn't exactly mine anymore. But I don't want any harm to come to him. Even now, I am ready to take a bullet for him, if it's to keep him out of danger.

When we reached her place with my luggage, she didn't get down from the car though she stopped it in the driveway. When my question gazed turned her way, I knew she has somewhere to go.

"I will meet Xavier and others quickly and come. Give me one hour little Charms.Ok? Just eat something. BecauseIknow that you didn't eat anything in the morning. "

Instead of giving a reply I just nodded my head and exited the car giving her a warm hug. May be she can carry that hug for everyone as I won't be able to do it physically next time. If she ever knew that I had made up my mind, I knew she wouldn't allow me for any reason. But I knew I had to do this for everyone. I was just nobody who came to their lives like a rain. Now that rain has ceased and the bright sun is shining in the sky. So the rain has no place right now in the earth.

I wrote small notes for everyone except him. Because I had left a letter in an envelope on his dressing table. If he ever thinks that he should open it and see, then he will see what I had for him in my mind. After placing the small container with short goodbyes for everyone and the friendship bands I made for each earlier, I stepped out of her property.

I had no idea where I am supposed to go. I had no idea what I am supposed to do to keep my life alive. But I tried...So hard. Though the tears had dried on my face, the marks of the cascaded tears were still there. But I had no care to wash the face even. I was determined to run away from New York city. I was determined to make the misery I experienced here as a stepping stone.

You will wonder how I am supposed to do that without any money. Actually I had savings in my bank account for an emergency though I never get a time to spend them as I became a pet to certain somebody. So the first thing I did was withdrawing every penny I had there in that account. After that asking from the people about the way, I reached Grand Central Terminal finally.

So this is it. The moment I leave everything behind. It just reminded me the dreams I was carrying when I first reach this city. Who knew that I will go empty handed on my way back. But life happens. So I took the 11.30 a.m. train from Grand Central Terminal to California.

I didn't have any thought in my mind except running far away from here. So I think I am succeed in that. But the heartbreak and the broken pieces I carry in my self cannot be avoided at any cost. When the train started moving, I just put my head on the seat.

Then looking at the passing buildings and trees, I started thinking how my life turned into a chaotic life within seconds. The memory of them wrapped up in each other's arms brought back the tears that I tried to hold back so badly. At that moment I wished that nobody should feel such a pain like me.

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