Bambino's Oma & Opa

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Last night was truly a very long night. No matter how tired I was, I wasn't ready to go to bed after dinner. Because I wanted answers to the questions I was having in my mind for all the while I was alone. So at the end of the night, I was so happy and delighted knowing the exact truth. And then I felt serenity within my soul knowing that my parents didn't abandoned me purposely.

As my mom explained while hugging me to her chest last night, I was born on a fateful night in heavenly realm. It was the night heavenly realm and the abandoned realm declared war between each other for some miscommunication. So, that night, when my mom had to join the battle with my father, they had left me in the care of heavenly maids.

But when they came from the battlefield, I had disappeared. Nobody knew what had happened to the new born daughter of moon goddess and god Zeus. They had searched for me everywhere and finally they had found my dead body near a alley. They were devastated and mourned for me almost 6 months thinking that I was really dead. But it seems somebody truly wanted to show them I am truly dead though I was alive and healthy. But when I asked her if they had any enemies in the palace, she seemed lost saying not exactly.

And then as she explained, my heavenly scent was masked by whoever kidnapped me. That was the reason they couldn't even track my whereabouts all this time. Somehow, whatever the spell they had used, it had broken the night Zion marked me as his mate. So that's how they came to know I am alive in earth as my parents felt the connection with me once more. I don't know who kidnapped me. But whoever it's, they separated me from the love and the affection I get to receive as a child from my parents.

"What are you thinking my love?" Hearing Zion's voice brought me back to the present reminding me that I am still holding the toothbrush looking at the bathroom mirror so lost in what they said.

"I was just thinking what my mom said last night Zi..." saying that I turned and pecked his cheeks hugging his waist and dragging him to my body.

" Mmmm...I also can't believe you are a heavenly goddess all this time. No wonder I fell into your spell from the first glance. But no matter who you are, you are my little mate, got it baby?"

" Yes...I am..." With a cheeky grin, when I finished saying it, Zion kissed my nose and brushed teeth with me. Then we showered together and got ready to meet my parents before they leave. I knew Zion wanted to have me so badly that morning. But we were conscious enough not to do anything knowing I can't keep my mouth shut as I was a natural screamer according to Zi. So we had to wait till they leave. Oh my poor mate!

"You ready to go down baby?" When he asked while kissing his mate mark on my neck from behind, I was tying my hair into a ponytail.


"I am more than ready my love..."

Usually we used to spend our whole morning in bedroom wrapped in each other in the past two days. But today it wasn't an option as I had to say goodbye to my parents not just for forever but temporarily. Because they were ready to go up and share the good news with other gods and goddesses that they met me. I also wanted to spend some more quality time with them as I lost my whole period of growing up with them. I also wanted to see how the life with the parents that the writers have explained in the story books I have read.

When we came down, my parents as well as my brother were sitting on the breakfast table talking with Seb and Rhy.

"Oh! There come my little angel." I didn't miss the breathtaking smile that spread on my mom amd brother's face when my father said so. Even though I am almost 20, I am happy as I get to have a family that I never knew.

"How is my little grand baby? Hope he is doing ok." My mom said caressing my baby bump when I went towards the table.

"Ofcourse mom, do you know it a he?" We never checked the gender though we went to monthly check ups. I wanted his or arrival to be a surprise. But now when my mom says it confidently, I am totally shocked. Yes, forget that they are Immortals.

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