Shattered heart

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I think I was so scared at the time we reached the palace. I have no idea why I am so depressed and anxious about a person I have never met. But my guts told me that something bad is going to happen any minute. And the bad aura I felt, when I reached the palace was hard to ignore.

I have come to know that I am not a human anymore. So I felt the change in the air as soon as I stepped out of the car. Who is she actually? Why king seemed too tense unlike ever? I just wanted to ask Zion what he thought of King's phone call earlier. But when I looked at his face, I realised that it wasn't the time to question the things.

"Stop worrying about unnecessary things my love. Come...let's get over with it quickly." My train of thoughts halted hearing his voice. When I looked at him, he seemed calm and collected unlike earlier when he was in the car. So without asking anything I nodded my head and hold his muscular hand and let me guide to the main hall of the palace. Yes! The princess who has created a mini tsunami in my mind. Let's see who you really are.

When we reached the main doors of the hall, all I could see the pale faces of the guards. I felt like it intensified seeing us. What's wrong with them? Why are they terrified? Aren't they royal vampire guards? Then...what's this expression? I think I have to go inside of this hall to find out the reason.

" I am so scared Zion..." I didn't intend to tell it to him. But it just slipped out of my mouth. I know I should be more supportive to him at this moment. Because I know that he is going to break the engagement with her. But still, I don't know why I feel so stressed about this.

"Don't worry love...everything will be OK, mmm?" That beautiful smile on his face brought a slight comfort to the fire in my heart. Tightening his hold on my hand, we entered the room when guards opened the door.

The voices we heard from inside became silent in an instant realising our arrival. When I looked up to see the people in the hall, I could see the teary face of queen Claudia and the stressed face of the king I have never seen. When I looked around, I could see the way Zion's grandma sitting on a chair while his grandpa was standing comforting her. They also had a defeated look on their faces. And then there were vampire council members on another corner sitting with a bored expression. What's happening here actually?

It didn't take much time for me to find the source of the distress of every one here. Because in a very comfortable chair there sit the nightmare I tried to forget for days. Ocean like blue eyes, dark brown silky hair, plump rosy lips and porcelain like skin with a model like long legs. She was wearing a dark blue frock that reached to her mid thigh.

Without a doubt I knew that she is a seductress in every sense. Even as a woman, I am shaken by her beauty. So she is the one who was selected for Zion. I think seeing her made me look into so many imperfections I carry in myself. What's wrong with you dear? Why are you comparing yourself to someone whom you just met?

However though I was thinking to exclude that thought from my mind, seeing Zion's look on her made me nearly cry. Why is he looking at her like that?I...I thought it was only for me. That look...I know it very well... but when he gives it to somebody in front of you... what do you feel? You will feel betrayed just as me. So it didn't take much time to fall the tears that I tried to hide so hard.

The longing look on his eyes towards her, the shocked expression seeing her beauty and the ignorance of him towards me made me felt cheaper than ever. Was I just a passing time for him all this while? No...just don't go there Sofi...just don't...not right now.

"Zion...I was waiting for you." Her voice was like a melody to any sore ear. She didn't even notice the way I was clung into Zions hand it seems. She stood from the place she was sitting and reached towards Zion within a blink of an eye. Even when she raised her hands and kept them on his sculpted face, he was emotionless. But I didn't miss the look passed through both of their eyes when they looked at each other.

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