Chapter 2

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Today we were finally going to go to school I was so excited! "Bella come on wake upppp" I said. "Lily your 16 but act like your 5 sometimes let me sleep" Bella said annoyed. "Fine" I said and I left I had to get ready anyways.  I love getting ready because I love all my clothes and I just love looking good. I try to help Bella look good but she prefers to wear hoodies and sweat pants.

I decided to wear at this

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I decided to wear at this. "Girls come down you guys have to leave soon" Charlie said. "Ok!" I go to Bella's room to make sure she's up and of course she's wearing a hoodie and sweat pants.

"Bellaaaa come on it's the first day of school your wearing that?" I said. "Yes Emily I am wearing this what's the problem?" Bella said. "Never mind let's go Bella so we aren't late"

Me and Bella got in her gross truck that she got when we came down here and we left. Me and Bella argued a little about the AC but then we got to school. "Come one Bella!" I said excited. We walked into school and got our schedules. "Ugh I have biology" I said annoyed it's not my best subject but math is worse so I'll be ok.

While I was walking to class this kid saw me and came up to me with a big smile on his face. "Hi! I'm mike your lily right?" "Yeah I am"I said cheerfully. "Well what's your first period?" He said. " biology!" "Wait no way same!" Mike said happily. "We should totally walk together!" He said. " yeah sure!" I was pretty sure I just made a friend.

I walk into class and I look around I catch eyes with this beautiful girl her hair is blond her eyes are gold (however that's possible) and her body is gorgeous she's literally perfect. "Ok Miss lily your going to be sitting next to" she pauses "Rosalie, Rosalie raise a hand" the teacher said.

To my surprise the beautiful girl raises a hand. Omg I'm totally blushing right now. I take a seat next to her not sure if I should say anything. "Hi!" I say cheerfully "I'm lily!" "Hi" she says annoyed.

What's with this girl she's starting to get on my nerves with her attitude. "Sorry that was mean I'm Rosalie" she said with a small smile. We ended up talking a lot in that class which was ok because today we weren't doing anything to hard.  When I would look away I would notice her starting at me. Then the bell rang "bye Rose!" "Bye lily."

Before I knew it, it was lunch time. I looked to find Bella but I was pulled by Mike. "Sit with us"

I noticed a few people at the table from my other classes so I started chatting with them about well normal conversations so nothing to crazy.

Then they walked in. Jessica was telling Bella who I just noticed she came and sat with us , all about the Cullens but I wasn't listening I had my eye one of them Rosalie. She was gorgeous.

I knew I was bi sense the 8th grade and I knew my feelings I was totally crushing on her. I look at Edward and he's smirking. Probably something someone said at their table.

Before I know it the days over and I'm going in Bella's car. "How was your day?" Bella asked " it was pretty good I made a lot of friends what about you?" I said "um it was ok" Bella mumbled.

Me and Bella told each other everything but I don't think I was ready to tell her about Rose yet. "What's wrong" she asked "nothing I don't want to talk about it can we go?" We were still sitting in the schools parking lot. "No not until you tell me what's wrong. "Bella I don't want to tell you yet" I said a little annoyed she wasn't respecting my privacy. " Then walk home!" She said angrily "Bella..." "leave" she said. " fine!" I got out and slammed the door. I started walking to where I think was home but I've never walked home at forks before so I ended up getting lost fast.

Warning rape almost happens.

All of the sudden I see a guy following me I start walking at a faster pace but I run into another guy I start panicking. "Well well well what do we have here?" The guy I ran into said. "Please just let me go" he was grabbing my wrists. "Can't do that sweet heart" the guys behind me said.

They lifted up my top and pulled down my pants so I was just in a bra and underwear. "Please please stop" I had tears running down my face. Then I hear a car coming loud and fast someone got out and yelled at the guys I was a little out of it but I knew that voice it was Rose.

I guess the guys ran away and she bend down and said "are you ok?" She said in a soft loving voice. "  I-I-I" I could not stop stuttering. I realized I was still crying. "Shh shh it's ok they are gone" she said kindly.

She was helping me calm down. She put my shirt and pants on and helped me get into the car. "Thank you Rose" I said.

"So what happened? Why weren't you in a car?" "Bella and me got into a fight and she told me to walk home but I didn't know the way home so I guessed turns out I was wrong and those guys found me they-they were touching me in places I didn't want them to touch I think" I paused. " I think they were trying to" "shh" Rose cut me off. "You don't have to tell me I know the rest"

she pulled into my drive way and started walking me to my door. "Rose please don't tell my dad" I said. " Lily he needs to know" " alright" when I walked in I went upstairs while Rosalie was talking to my dad. I was nervous and then Charlie came upstairs. He comforted me and told me it was ok that I was ok. I then fell a sleep dreaming about well Rose.

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