Chapter 14

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I woke up in a hospital bed with wires all around me and in me. I looked around for anyone and Rosalie was in a chair sleeping, Bella was in the chair across from her and my mother was in a chair next to Bella.

I started to move around and Bella and my mom rushed over. "Careful sweetly don't move you were in a terrible accident. We don't want you hurting yourself anymore." My mom said sweetly.

She lean in and kissed my cheek. Then she brushed her and over my face. "I've misssed you so much I'm so happy that you guys are coming back to Jackson vil with me. You'll love it it's always sunny and it's beautiful." My mother said.

"Mom we don't want to leave forks" bella said and thank god she said if I couldn't move when my mom said that I was in shock but I had to say something too.

"Mom we really like forks" I said. "What? But it's all Rainey and gross" she paused "Does this have to do with some boy and girl?" She asked.

We both nodded awkwardly. "Well fine I guess you guys can stay." Thank god for that.

I wondered what they told my mom about what happened. "Mom what happened to me?" I asked. "You and Bella were in a car accident." She said sad. "Bella only got a few scratches so she didn't need her own room"

At least Bella ok. "You have some broken ribs a broken arm and something went into your neck probably glass."

"You know Rosalie hasn't left this room one time." I smiled at that. Then it hit me "where's dad?" I asked panicked what if he's still mad at us. "Oh he's downstairs getting some food. He told me what happened he's not mad."

"Ok thanks mom"

We left the hospital and went home me and Rosalie went on a few dates and it was so nice. Then she asked me to the dance! I was so excited.

I was wearing this dress

Gorgeously I may say so myself

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Gorgeously I may say so myself. Rosalie looked beautiful she was breath taking. She had this on.

It flowed to the floor and she look stunning

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It flowed to the floor and she look stunning. When she first saw me she smiled and she looked so beautiful she went up to me and kissed me. "You look gorgeous lily.

I blushed "You do too Rose"

We took Roses car to the dance of course. When we got out every one was staring at us. We walked through the noisy dance inside and said hi to Bella and Edward. I have no idea how he got her to come.

We made our way outside and it was so pretty. She put her hands on my waist and I put my hands on her shoulders and it felt right.

I knew this would be forever

This is the last one thank you so much for reading!

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