Chapter 3

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I woke up surprisingly happy. I mean I shouldn't be happy after what happened yesterday but this meant Rosalie cared about me right? She did save me. Bella saw me and started apologizing a lot but we got in he crappy truck and we headed to school.

I was wearing this

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I was wearing this. I got into school and headed to first period. Biology.I saw rose she was sitting there perfectly well she's perfect so it makes sense. "Hi Rose! Thank you again for yesterday" I said "it's no problem lily" she said and gave me a small smile. I had to get her to notice me ugh tomorrow I'll wear a showy outfit I hope that works. I know I saw childish but I think I'm falling in love with her. It's going really fast but I honestly don't care it's not like we are dating she probably doesn't even like me back. "Rose can you help me with this?" I ask innocently. "Sure lily" she said kindly. She started talking but I wasn't listening I was looking at her soft hair and her fragile skin and her amazing lips. I need to stop. The bell rang I said bye to Rose and left. At lunch I caught Rose looking at me and I smiled at her she smiled back and I felt butterfly's everywhere I'm totally freaking out right now I look at Edward and he's smirking again. Odd ever time I  think of Rose he's smirking eh doesn't matter. I got home said hi to Charlie and I went to bed. The next day I woke up extra early to chose my outfit

 The next day I woke up extra early to chose my outfit

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I finally decided on this. I went to class so confident I knew a bunch of guys were looking at me but it didn't matter I only wanted Rose to see. I walk into class and see a shocked Rosalie. Wait was she checking me out no way. "What are you wearing" Rose said annoyed. That's weird why did she care. "Clothes" I said with a smirk. Rose rolled he eyes but I saw her small smile. I was actually paying attention until I saw Roses eyes looking at my shirt WAIT NO WAY was she looking at my- the bell rings. Bye Rose I decided to tease her so I swung my hips getting up. I then headed to my math class. At lunch it was pretty boring like usual until Rose came up to me. "Lily do you want to come over to my house later for the biology project?" She said sweetly. I totally forgot about that. "Yeah sure Rose" wait I'm going to roses house this is amazing.

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