Chapter 33

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Oli’s POV:

“And it’s the road that leads to nowhere

But all I wanna do is go there” _ Daylight, 5SOS

I stirred from a deep slumber and immediately tightened my hold on the body lying next to me, nuzzling my face in the lush mass of hair. Wait, what was I doing? I opened my eyes and stared. Kat was cuddled against my side, her face lying in the crook of my neck, her hair everywhere. I noticed that throughout the night, she hadn’t let go of my tee shirt. When she didn’t move an inch, I let myself relax and, after a moment of hesitation, ran my fingers through the loose, silky curls of her hair. She murmured something softly under her breath and I sighed in content. I could get used to this. That’s when a small sound escaped her and she nuzzled closer to me. I held my breath as I realized she was waking up.

“Ash?” She whispered, and I could feel her lips moving against my neck.

I felt my stomach drop and swallowed hard.

“No, um…it’s Oli…”

Instantly her eyes flew open and she shifted away from me.

“What—“ She started in a startled yet sleepy voice; then stopped abruptly as she realized she was wearing one of my tee shirts. Her mouth fell open and when she looked at me, the confusion in her gaze was laced with panic.

“No, no, no, nothing happened,” I was quick to reassure her. Though I wouldn’t have minded. “You were just drunk and needed company to fall asleep.”

“Oh my god, I am so sorry,” Kat rambled as she disentangled her body with mine and crawled out of bed.

“It’s fine,” I cut her off, because it really was.

“Did you… Did you change me?” She asked cautiously.

“Uh, yeah…” I struggled to keep myself from blushing. “I put your clothes over there.”

“Thank you,” she whispered as she picked her clothes up. “For everything.”

I nodded and gave her directions to the bathroom so she could change in peace. Only once she was gone did I start wondering about the rest of my band. There was no one else in the bunk area, so either they were all already up, or they hadn’t slept here. I was guessing on the last considering the quantity of alcohol they each had consumed. And that was before I left…

I was still in bed trying to sort out my feelings for Kat when she got out of the bathroom, her hair wet. She had kept my tee-shirt but put the fishnets and short underneath.

“Hey, I used the black towel, I don’t know whose it is? I put in the dirty laundry basket.”

“I’m pretty sure that’s Shona’s,” I said. “She won’t mind at all.”

“Okay.” She bit her lip and took a deep breath before meeting my eyes again. “I’m really, really sorry about last night Oli. I…uh…I remember what happened now, and I’m sorry I put you through that. It’s just um…I had like, a minor panic attack, and I’m… let’s just say I have trouble falling asleep… I have nightmares…” Her voice started wavering and, acting on impulse, I pulled her into a hug.

“It’s okay. You’re fine. It didn’t bother me at all.”

“Are you sure?”

“A hundred percent.”

“Okay. It’s just…I’m not very sane. Like, I’ve been through a lot and I’ve done bad stuff and I…” Her voice broke and she continued in a whisper. “I just don’t wanna lose you.”

I watch you like a hawk _Oli Sykes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now