Chapter 9

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Oli's POV

"I've lost my goddamn mind

It happens all the time

And I'm so high on misery

Can't you see?" _ The Drug in Me is You, FIR

When I woke up the next morning, we'd arrived to the new Warped site and the tents and stages were already all set up. I hadn't gotten much sleep, as my thoughts kept going back to the black-eyed girl with the beautiful voice. I still didn't know her name. After the concert I'd wanted to find Austin and ask for it, but OM&M had already left; and before I could ask any of the fans, Shona had come to get us back to the bus. There I'd had to face the interrogation of my fellow bandmembers, as I'd apparently not been that discreet in my staring at her.

"Who is she?" "I don't know." "Where did you meet?" "Yesterday. She fell on the ground and I helped her up." "Is that all?" "Yeah." "Do you like her?" "I don't know her." "Does she like you?" "No."

It had left me tired and a bit sad, as it reminded me of how little I actually knew her, and of how little she liked me. Sure it'd been fine when we had sung, but I wasn't near forgetting the other night. Speaking of that night, I remembered the way she'd clung to Purdy and wondered whether she was his girlfriend... But Purdy was known for his refusal to settle down, and the thought of her being one of his 'girls' made me see red. She deserved better than that. What, 'cause I could offer better? The girl was terrified of me just two days ago. I sighed, and tried to calm down. There wasn't any proof of anything, and even if there was, what could I do about it? My chest felt a bit hollow, and once again I was frightened by how attached I already was, when I'd litterally only spoken to her once.

I decided to get up and join Matt K and Jordan as they ate breakfast outside the bus. Matt N and Lee were still asleep. Thankfully they'd decided not to mention the duet again, and we just talked about our plans for the day.

"Pierce the Veil's playing today, and so is Fall Out Boy," Jordan told us.

"And I need to go buy myself a new pick," Matt K said with a smile, "I gave my favorite one away at the concert. I hope she takes good care of it."

"I wouldn't worry about that mate," I replied with a smirk. "Whoever got it is gonna keep it in a secret place of hers and take it up now and then to look at it with wonder and kiss it. No harm's gonna come to it."

He grinned and said:

"Okay so how 'bout this: we start off with PTV, then go buy my pick and grab something to eat, and after that FOB?"

"Brilliant. Sounds like a plan." I told him, and we went to wake up Matt N and get Lee.

It was around 8 pm and the Fall Out Boy concert had just finished. It had been really great and, as usual at Warped, the crowd was fantastic. We'd only like one hour before the site closed, and then we'd have to move again. We'd scattered after the concert and I was walking about on my own, trying to find a Falling in Reverse bandmerch store.

"Hey Sykes!"

I turned around and saw Vic from Pierce the Veil waving me over. I went up to him.

"Hey mate, how are ya? Saw your concert, you rocked."

"Haha, thanks. It was awesome. Anyway, you heard about the party tomorrow? I don't know if you'd been told. I thought I'd check, just to be sure."

"No... I heard it was supposed to be yesterday, but then it was cancelled, right?"

"Nah it's been moved to tomorrow night. You're all invited. 10 pm at The Storm's bus. Dress up!" and then he left and disappeared in the crowd.

I smiled a little to myself at the thought of the party. Yeah, it would definitively be helpful. I needed to get drunk and get these beautiful dark eyes out of my mind. I called up Matt N.

"What's up?"

"We've been re-invited to The Storm's party. Apparently they didn't cancel it, just moved it."

"Okay, sounds good. I'll tell the others."

I made my way back to the tour bus, where Shona was apparently waiting for me.

"Oli, I need to talk to you."


"Apparently you sang a duet with the lead vocalist of Shattered Dreams at their concert?"

"Well, wasn't planned though. They covered one of our songs, and then people in the crowd recognized me and pushed me towards the stage. And, in mean, once I was there, I could just as well sing with her."

"Hmmm. Well, their tour manager called me yesterday, asking if it'd be possible to do that again. Apparently the crowd really dug in. I told him it was up to you."

I felt my eyes widen and my throat dry up.

"Yeah, sure," I said, trying to look calm and failing.

"Okay great. I'll tell them."

I shook my head at myself. Why had I just accepted? There was no way I was going to forget these dark eyes now, party or no party. But just the thought of reliving yesterday's duet made my heart rate quicken, and I knew there was no way in hell I could have said no. And if they were asking, surely she was okay with it too? Maybe she was even the one who'd asked for it. I smiled at the thought and suddenly exclaimed:

"Hey Shona? Do you know her name, the lead singer?"

"From Shattered Dreams? She's called Kat, though I'm pretty sure that's not her full name. Why?"

"No reason," I said quickly, and then amended myself. "Well, if I'm gonna work with her, I might as well know her name right?"

"Know who's name?" asked Matt N as he and the rest of the band entered the bus. "The hottie from last night?"

Shona quickly explained to them what was going on, and Matt N whistled.

"Well, someone's lucky. I wouldn't mind one on one training sessions with that girl, if you know what I mean."

He winked and I fought the urge to hit him. Lee laughed and tapped Matt's shoulder.

"Dude, sorry to break it for you, but she's taken. Just look at him."

They all turned to look at me, and I saw grins form on their faces.

"Right." I said, a bit annoyed. "I'm gonna go to sleep now, and I won't be held responsible for whatever happens to the person that tries to wake me."

"Sweet dreams!" Lee called out and I flipped him off, causing them to burst out laughing again.

Her name was Kat. I liked it.


Sorry this is a filler :( but the next chapter is the party!! I have loads planned :D

How cute is Oli??

I love the "Drug with me is you" by FIR, but it's one of the only ones I like by them with "I'm not a vampire"... what do you think?

See you soon! don't forget to vote and comment ;)

_ Othilia

I watch you like a hawk _Oli Sykes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now