Chapter 35

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Kat’s POV:

“That’s what I like about you

You hold me tight” _ What I like about you, 5SOS (cover)

My mind was so fucked up right now. It was one thing to listen to Don’t go in your room and feel emotional and choked up, it was another to witness first-hand how broken and sad Oli sounded when he sang it. And yes, it might have made me cry. But dammit, I cried when I listened to it on my own, what was I to do when Oli was fucking screaming his heart out? Plus this song had always reminded me of how I felt about Amber’s death, so yeah… I couldn’t hold the tears back. After intentionally – or unintentionally – breaking his voice on the last ‘Don’t go’, Oli walked up to me, and I could see both concern and a tinge of panic in his beautiful hazel eyes at the sight of my tears. But I was fine, just a little sad. In a good, nostalgic way. So I just smiled at him reassuringly and started singing.

When he joined in, I couldn’t help but grin and lock my eyes with his, dedicating every word to him.

“Tell me that you love me cause I need you so much

Say you’ll never leave me cause I love you so much”

It brought me right back to yesterday night. Oh god, that’d been so embarrassing. Oli had told me it was fine, but it still weirded me out. It was a natural thing with Ash, but making another person sleep with me and hold me throughout the night was not something I often did. Not even with my boyfriends. But I trusted Oli, for some reason. The only problem was I was more or less realizing I had unresolved feelings for him, and I had to keep them under control if I wanted this friendship to work. But this song, right now, was so not helping. Closing my eyes shut, I obliterated all thoughts of Oli and just concentrated on the song as I sang the last part.

“Don’t go…Don’t go…Don’t go…”

I felt fingertips brushing my cheeks and opened my eyes to see Oli wiping away my tears. He gave me a small smile and my heart hurt. He was looking at me with such a protective look in the eyes, it just made me want to crawl back into his arms and never let go.

“You’re amazing,” I suddenly whispered to him.

Because he was. He was an amazing songwriter, he was an amazing singer, he was an amazing kisser…yeah I still remembered that night. And he’d been drunk, I didn’t even wanna imagine how good he was sober… But most of all, and despite all my fears at the beginning, he was an amazing person. Behind his charming attitude, he was so caring.

I turned to the crowd and as I thanked them and told them I loved them, I couldn’t help but glance at Oli and direct the words at him too. By the way he looked at me wide-eyed, he got the message.

“I love you too,” he told the crowd. “Thanks for tonight.”

My heart-rate must have been tripling at that point, so I did the only thing I knew how to do: I ran. Straight into Ashley’s arms, who was standing on the side-stage and looked at me with narrowed eyes.

“You, little girl, have something to tell me,” he whispered knowingly.

I sighed. Here we go.

I spent the night at Black Veil Brides’ bus with Chris. We had Disney movies marathon, each choosing one to watch. I wanted to slap myself in the face at the sight of all the Disney princesses movies piled and ready to go.

I watch you like a hawk _Oli Sykes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now