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The sky was a blanket of dark blue velvet as Neville made his way towards his usual Herbology classroom. Nerves trickled into the pit of his stomach. What if the students he was helping didn't listen to him? He entered the room and was greeted by one student. Her sheet of platinum hair trailed down the back of the chair.

"Hello," Neville spoke into the silence. The girl turned around and Neville was shocked to realise it was Vivienne. He audibly gasped. "Vivienne, I didn't expect to see you here-"

"Me neither," she drawled coldly. Before they could continue their awkward exchange, Professor Sprout bustled into the room.

"Ah, Neville, thanks a lot for helping Vivienne. I had expected a few more students but they haven't turned up. I'll leave you both to it."  Her face shone with a grin and she departed the greenhouse. Neville sat down beside Vivienne and she inched away from him, as though she was worried she would catch something off him.

"I'm not stupid," she shouted all of a sudden whilst Neville was arranging his books on the table.

"I never said you were," Neville answered. His thick brows were furrowed. Why did someone as popular and pretty as Vivienne care about what someone like Neville thought? Neville had never been close enough to Vivienne to properly study her face. She was indeed one of the most beautiful girls he had ever seen.

"I just need some extra help with this project that's all," she snapped, as though Neville had argued against her.

He nodded his mop of dark curls. "Of course."

Her violet eyes suddenly clouded. "You absoluetly cannot tell anyone about this, understand? Especially not Veronica and Velma."


"Because I don't want anyone knowing I'm spending time with a nerd like you!"

"I'm only helping you with Herbology-"

"Exactly! I can't have anyone think I actually care about my grades."

Neville nodded slowly. He could never wrap his head around all the rules and regulations Veronica instilled on her friends. There seemed to be too many to keep up with. He decided not to ask any more questions, sensing Vivenne's temper was fragile and he didn't want to have an argument. Not when he had already agreed to help Sprout. Neville was relieved that, as the evening progressed, Vivienne was a good listener. Their conversations were stripped from any of the previous heat and bitterness and replaced with a politeness Neville was surprised Vivienne had. All of Neville's anxiey had dissipated and the conversation flowed naturally, like he was speaking to an ordinary student and not one of the most popular girls in Hogwarts.

"Oh my God, I didn't realise the time! We better get going." Vivienne began packing away her things.

"You're doing really well, I don't think you need my help-"

"No! Please! Please can we do more, I have to ace these mock exams!"

Neville was startled by the sudden outcry of desperation. He never thought Vivienne would have to plead for anything. Most students would be honoured to have to spend an hour tutoring her, surely she knew that.

"You will, don't worry. But yes I can meet up and study with you again."

"Are you sure you don't mind?"

"Of course not, it's really helpful for me to study more as well. I enjoy Herbology."

Vivienne scrunched up her face. "Nerd."

The unlikely duo exited the greenhouse.

"Same time next week?" Neville asked.

"Perfect. I'm going to go the opposite way to you, just so no one sees us together."

"Of course."

Neville returned to the Gryffindor common room, pleased to be greeted by Daisy. He stuffed himself beside her on the maroon sofa.

"So, how was it, Professor Longbottom?" Daisy teased.

"It was good actually."

"And who are your students?"

"Vivienne Truro," Neville answered, as if he couldn't quite believe his response himself.

Daisy's face crumbled. "What?"

"Yeah, I was-"

"Why are you tutoring her for?!"

"She wanted help," he replied simply. "She's actually nice once you get past the-"

"Nice?! Neville, Vivienne is evil. She was horrible to Emmeline and she is horrible to just about everyone!"

"I'm as shocked as you but she's-"

"May I remind you of the time she jinxed Cedric and he DIED! Oh and the time she tried to strangle my sister to death!" Daisy was visably distressed; her face was flushed crimson and a violet vein was bulging from her glazed forehead.

"I really think she's just misunderstood. I think she feels forced to do whatever Veronica says."

Daisy spluttered out a cacophony of rage. "So that makes it alright does it? Under the imperius curse, was she?"

"I'm not saying I agree with what she's done but I think she's insecure and is clinging onto the only thing she knows."

"Oh, she's insecure is she? Well, me too! I might just go and hex Umbridge to death but I'll be excused of all repercussions because of my low self esteem!"

"I'm doing this for Sprout! I'm doing a favour for her, I had no idea it would be just me and Vivienne!" Neville was matching Daisy's angry decibel.

"No you're not, you're just pleased a pretty girl wants to be in the same room as you."

"I don't care who she is, I'm not out to impress her. I'm not Emmeline!"


"I didn't mean - you knew what I meant."

"No, no, I really don't think I did. Please keep slagging off my dead sister."

"I wasn't slagging her off!"

"I don't want to hear it, Neville. I'd like you to leave.

"You can't ask me to leave a communal space!"

"I just have!"

With that, Neville left. He slammed the portrait hole so violently that the room shook. Daisy's chest puffed in and out in attempt to calm her down. She turned on her heel and was shocked to see Harry, Ron and Hermione sat in chairs opposite.

"How long have you been here?" she asked. She was more shocked at how they'd managed to remain unnoticed throughout the domestic than angry at their eavesdropping.

"The whole time," said Ron.

"We didn't really know where was appropriate to announce ourselves," added Harry.

Hermione smiled softly. "Would you like to sit with us and talk about your feelings?"


"But I think talking it through will help-"

"I said no, Hermione!" Daisy charged over to the staircase towards her dorm. "Don't even think about following me!"

Sheepishly, and with all colour drained of her face, Hermione retreated back to her chair. "I get the impression she wants to be alone," she said, biting her lip.

"Nothing gets past you does it, Hermione?" said Ron.

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