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Veronica, Vivienne and Velma were stuffed into a velvet emerald sofa in the Slytherin common room. It felt weird, the trio being back together tormenting anyone they could. Vivienne expected them to be less menacing after Veronica's exclusion from school, but she was wrong. Veronica just got more sneaky.

The gorgeous redhead's devious plans had came to a hault since she aquired her latest love interest: Marcus Flint. Veronica showed no previous attentiveness to the boy until his recent promotion to Quidditch team captain. Now, she was all over him like a rash and he, of course, lapped up the attention.

Due to the common room's current quiet status, the girls took this opportunity to exchange some gossip.

"So, how are things with you and Blaise?" Veronica pressed. One of the many rules Veronica had instilled into their friendship was that she had to know everything.

"He calls me hot like it's my name," replied Vivienne.

Veronica shrieked. "That's so cute! Marcus barely ever compliments me. Maybe it's time I ditched him."

"He really likes you though," Vivienne reminded her. She wished someone would look at her the way any boy looked at Veronica.

Veronica shrugged. She didn't care about anyone's feelings but her own. She knew she could have anyone at Hogwarts so why should she settle for second best?

"How's Blaise, you know, in the bedroom?" Veronica continued her integration.

"Bland," Vivienne told her friend truthfully.

"But he calls you hot? That's got to count for something."

"I don't think he actually knows my name," Vivienne sighed. "I don't know, I think I'm ready for a stronger connection with someone you know? Like an actual proper relationship, with someone who actually cares."

Veronica and Velma erupted with laughter, leaving Vivienne red faced. "No boy wants a proper relationship!" Veronica stressed her sweeping statement as though this was obvious. "They only want sex."

"What if that's not what I want?" Vivienne thought aloud.

"Blaise is out of your league, you've done well to get him and quite frankly, you needed your popularity boosting after the whole Cedric and Emmeline scandal last year."

It was your idea for me to jinx Cedric, ultimately leading to his death! None of this would have happened if I wasn't friends with you! Vivenne thought bitterly. Though, of course, that's all it stayed. A thought.

"I don't know, there must be some nice boys who want to go steady," Vivienne said.

"Yeah, probably like Neville Longbottom or a nerd like that," scoffed Veronica. "Dating someone like him would be social suicide."

Vivienne laughed along until Veronica dominated the conversation again. The blonde's mind couldn't help but wonder how peaceful her love life could be if it wasn't controlled by Veronica. She snapped her mind back to reality. She needed Veronica or else she would be nothing. She would shrink into a nobody.


Lessons at Hogwarts were in full swing and, as they had estimated, their work load had increased drastically due to their pending O.W.Ls. Daisy and Neville were heading towards their first defence against the dark arts lesson of the academic year. Neville was apprehensive to formally meet the new teacher, especially after the scene Daisy had caused during the sorting ceremony. Daisy, on the other hand, thought the newbie needed taking down a peg or two and couldn't wait to cause trouble in her lesson. The two friends entered her classroom and sat at adjacent desks, right at the front, much to Neville's dismay. Daisy literally cringed when Umbridge entered. She trailed her way to the front of the class, her usual sickly sweet smile spread across her toad like face.

"Wands away, books out," she ordered. Her smile somehow managed to remain on her face, making her resemble some kind of ventriloquist's dummy.

The class exchanged a mutual look of confusion. Hermione's hand shot into the air.

"Yes?" Umbridge addressed.

"Professor, I'm just struggling to understand why we are putting our wands away when this is such a practical lesson," Hermione said politely.

"I didn't realise you were the teacher, Miss Granger," Umbridge cooed, her voice laced with menace.

"Oh, well, no, I was just wondering..." Hermione mumbled until her speech faded away.

"She was just wondering," Harry spoke up loudly. "How a textbook would help us defend ourselves!"

"And please tell me, Mr Potter, what you young children could possibly have to defend yourself from?" sung Umbridge.

"Oh I don't know, Voldemort?" Harry bellowed bitterly, firing up at once. The class winced.

"He Who Must Not Be Named is not a threat," Umbridge said. Her eyes were sparkling, knowing she was pushing Harry to his limit. "And, Walshaw, please would you stop chewing gum in my lesson?"

Daisy's scowl deepend and she was about to retort but Harry interupted her. "So Emmeline just dropped dead of her own accord, did she?" Daisy's face fell and her glare dissipated into a distant, watery look.

"Emmeline's death was a tragic accent," Umbridge declared.

"Sounds like your birth!" yelled Daisy, snapping back into reality at once. Neville had his head in his hands. So much for staying out of trouble.

Umbridge struggled to hold her fake demeanour as rage threatened to surface on her wrinkled face. "Ah, Miss Walshaw, it appears we meet again."

"So we do," she snarled. Her eyes were dancing with rage.

"Do you think it's appropriate to speak to me like that?" Umbridge questioned. She leaned towards Daisy's face until she could practically smell her breath. Pointedly, Daisy retracted.

"Do you think it's appropraite to spread lies about my sister's death?" Daisy struggled to replicate Umbridge's calm tone.

"I'd like you to leave my lesson."

"I'm already on my way out." Daisy shot her a smile and got to her feet, the chair scraping across the floor. Before making her way towards the door, she removed the gum from her mouth and squished it onto the desk.

"You revolting child!" screamed Umbridge as Daisy departed. "I'll see you at five tonight for your detention!"

"Can't wait, I'll bring the biscuits." And with that, Daisy was gone.

Umbridge smoothed out her pink tweed jacket and smiled at the class. "Potter, I'll see you in detention too."

Harry, managing to keep calmer than Daisy, grumbled in response. Neville struggled to focus on the rest of the lesson. He couldn't stop worrying about Daisy, though her own temper was to blame. There was nothing he could do.

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