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The train journey to Hogwarts was much more relaxed. Tension was still high, but everyone was much more jovial after the holidays.

"Aren't you scared of seeing Vivienne again?" Daisy asked as her and Neville shuffled into a compartment. She felt as though enough time had passed since Bellatrix's escape and she was leading the conversation to ask what Vivienne meant before Christmas.

"No, she will most likely pretend I don't exist," chuckled Neville.

"That's one way to get over a break up. I meant to ask-"

Daisy was interupted by the compartment door swinging open to reveal two members of the DA: Ernie Macmillan and Terry Boot.

"Is it true?" Terry demanded.

Daisy and Neville exchanged a look. Could they have found out what Bellatrix did?

"Is what true?" Neville asked.

"That you and Vivienne dated!" Ernie exclaimed, his eyes alight.

Neville breathed a sigh of relief that their enquiries were not about Bellatrix. "Ask her."

"She told me she doesn't want to interact with someone as ugly as me," Terry said sadly. Daisy stifled a laugh.

"It's none of your business anyway. Just because you two can't get laid doesn't mean you have to involve yourself in everyone else's business," Daisy said.

Terry sat down next to her. "So does that mean you're single?"

Ernie squashed himself in between Daisy and Terry, elbowing his Ravenclaw friend as he did so. "We always thought you two were together."

Daisy caught Neville's eye but she quickly looked away.

"Again," Neville said. "It's really none of your business."

"If you don't leave, right now, I'll hex you both!" Daisy yelled, pushing them both off the seat. The duo scrambled to their feet and raced out of the compartment.
Daisy and Neville fell back in laughter.

"What was it you wanted to ask me?"

"What? Oh, I've forgot now." But, Daisy hadn't forgot. What Vivienne said was haunting her mind. She had to know what she meant...
Neville took out his book and began to read.

Half way through the journey, a Gryffindor first year knocked on the door.

"What do you want?" Daisy demanded.

"Oh....I...erm....was told to give you this." Shaking, the boy brandished a pastel pink envelope. Daisy snatched it from him.

"What is it?"

"Oh, actually....it's erm....for him," he replied, pointing at Neville. "Bye!" The boy left as quickly as he appeared.

Neville took the letter and began reading. "It's a love letter."

"What?" Daisy pulled the letter out his hand and began reading:

My one true love,

I was excited to learn that Vivienne had dumped you. I would never dump you. I am so in love with your beautiful curls -

Daisy stopped reading. "I feel sick." She shoved the letter back in Neville's hands.

"I guess I'm famous now," he sighed.

"Aren't you curious to find out who it's from?"

Neville shook his head. "It doesn't matter." But Daisy noticed he didn't throw it away; he folded it up and placed it in his cloak pocket.

Now he was Vivienne's ex, would everyone suddenly fancy him? It angered Daisy. She had always known how completely and utterly beautiful that boy was, inside and out. And now everyone did, it felt like he was slipping away.... But he could be hers. He really could. If only she found out what Vivienne meant...

"Neville, I just wanted to-" She was interupted again by Hermione swinging open their compartment door.

"Anyone sitting here?" she asked brightly.

Daisy glared at her. "What do you think?"

Hermione nodded, remembering that the two were each other's only friend. She sat next to Daisy and Ron and Harry sat next to Neville.

"I hope we're not interrupting anything," Hermione said, watching Daisy shuffle under her gaze. Hermione was interrupting something. Daisy didn't believe in anything like fate, but she did feel like it was telling her not to tell Neville the truth about how she felt.

"Of course not," said Neville.

Hermione had arrived to inform them on the details of the new DA meeting. She was enthusiastic about them starting early. Neville and Daisy shared her motivation, it felt good to be doing something.

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