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A few days later, Daisy and Neville were having breakfast together.

Today was the day Dean was going to confess his undying love to Daisy, and Neville couldn't wait. The autumn sunlight caressed the Great Hall with a warm morning glow and the majority of the school were gathered in the communal space.

Daisy was scribbling away desperate to finish last week's transfiguration homework. Meanwhile, Neville was reading but his eyes kept drifting away to the entrance. He was eagerly waiting for Dean to arrive. He loathed how excited he felt about this and he was tempted to find Dean and reveal the truth. Eventually, Dean entered and Neville's heart stood still. He was followed by the school choir and they strode right up to the teacher's table. Daisy hadn't noticed. With Dumbledore's permission, Dean stepped up to his podium so his voice was amplified. This action alone had attracted a lot of attention.

"Ahem," he coughed. All eyes were now on him, except Daisy's, as she was still focused on her work. "I have something important I'd like to say. Daisy Walshaw, this is for you."

Her eyes snapped up, suddenly flashing with panic. "Oh no, no no no no what is he doing?"

"If this is to reprimand her for missing my detention, I shall join in!" declared Umbridge, pushing Dean out of the way. He ignored her and signalled to the choir.

"I've written you a song." Dean started singing and the choir accompanied him. They drowned out Umbridge's protest.

Daisy Walshaw you're a pretty fit bird,
You make me swoon without even having to say a word.
It's hard to deny we have such great chemistry.
Please just go out with me.

Neville had stuffed his face into his elbow to stifle his giggles. He was already feeling second hand embarassment and the song being even worse than he had anticipated sent him descending into hysterics. Daisy just sat, her mouth wide open at the horror that was unfolding. Dumbledore looked rather amused at Dean's cacophony but Umbridge certainly did not. Dean appeared to be prepping for another verse but Umbridge had decided enough was enough and began attempting to dismantle the choir, threatening them all with detention. This left Dean going solo but he didn't let this stop him. Hundreds of pairs of eyes followed him as he walked towards Daisy. She still remained as frozen as a statue, her mouth stilll wide open. She was a lurid shade red, most likely a mix of humiliation and rage. Finally, Dean's song concluded and Seamus was the first to initiate the applause.

"Daisy, will you please just be my girlfriend?"

All eyes were now on Daisy and it seemed like the whole school had taken a collective breath in. Even Snape seemed slightly intrigued to find out Daisy's response. Neville glanced over at her, eager to watch her erupt. She didn't.


"What?" quizzed Neville before he could stop himself.

Daisy shrugged. "Yeah, I will. Just don't be doing this fiasco often, yeah?"

Dean grinned and hugged her, she remained frozen and she plastered a smile on her face. The spectators sounded another applause to congratulate the new happy couple. Neville's heart plummeted. He knew she really must have liked the ordeal as she wasn't one to flower up her response to spare his feelings. If she didn't want to be his girlfriend, she wouldn't.

"Pipe down losers, show's over!" she hissed and the sound immediately drowned out, leaving the subtle clatter of knives and forks. "I'm off for a cigarette."

"Okay, I'll see you later?" Dean said. He was grinning from ear to ear.

"Seeing as we are in the same school, it's more than likely you will." She charged away, scowling at anyone who looked at her for slightly too long.

Dean started squealing. Any feelings of remorse Neville had surrounding his sudden act of cruelty and selfishness dissipated suddenly. It was replaced with an anger and a jealousy that made him feel almost empty. Dean clapped him on the back and even that didn't ignite some kind of response from him.

"Thanks for all your help, man," Dean said loudly, inviting the whole Gryffindor table to join the conversation. "This was all Neville's idea!"

"Wow, who knew Neville was such a romantic?" Hermione stated placidly, her nose still wedged in her book.

"Getting jealous, are we?" teased Ron.

"I'd rather have quadruple - that means four, Ron - Potions with Snape than be publicly humilated like that. In fact, I feel rather sick." Hermione told him. Ron nodded, as though deciding that information was important and storing it in his mind for later.

"Honestly, I didn't think Daisy was the type to enjoy something so...affectionate," Harry added with a bemused chuckle.

"Me either," Neville replied in a very small voice. What had he done? The thing he laid awake at night worrying about had just happened. And, worst of all, he contributed to it.

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