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The first DA meeting with nothing short of chaos. Harry was bashful; struggling to find the confidence to address his eager students. After the gentle push of adrenaline and the less gentle push of Hermione, he fell into a rhythm and began teaching them how to produce a patronus. The whole class struggled, the closest anyone got was Hermione who conjured a small wisp. Harry was patient and reassuring whilst the class grew more and more frustrated. 

Daisy had no idea what memory to think of and shared this blockage with Neville. No matter how hard they both tried, they weren't anywhere near success. Harry ensured none of his students were disheartened since it was their first lesson. He was extremely pleased they just listened and tried their hardest. Daisy was just about to laugh at Neville's concentration face when the door swung open. The entire cohort turned in panic. Had Umbridge found out already? Instead of a toad-like middle aged woman sporting a frown it was Velma and Vivienne. Vivienne instantly began apologising - claiming she couldn't get away from Umbridge. The newest defence against the dark arts teacher had apparently formed an inquisitorial squad consisting of her favourite students. Due to Vivienne and Velma's school house and social circle, they were therefore invited and couldn't decline.

Daisy rounded towards Harry, desperate to see if he exploded with anger at their betrayal to the group. Daisy knew they would be on side with Umbridge and reckoned it wouldn't be long before they told her. To Daisy's surprise, Harry was grinning, exclaiming how beneficial it was to have someone Umbridge trusted. Harry theorised they would be able to keep an eye on her and prevent her from discovering their secret. Daisy scowled. Ernie Macmillan began hurling questions at the legitimacy of the Slytherin duo's allegiance.

Finally, Daisy had someone who was on her side, although it did seem like the Hufflepuff was just more shocked that two of the prettiest girls in school wanted to spend time with him, even if it was indirectly. Vivienne then launched into a sorrowful monologue about how she had changed as a person. She retold traumatic excerpts of her childhood, referencing how that had impacted her view on morality. That was all she knew and it took a great deal of courage and intelligence to question her whole family's beliefs and implement that change. Everyone listened intently, a few wore frowns as they empathised with her. She concluded the speech by thanking everyone for allowing them to join, forgiving her for her previous actions and not judging her for the type of wizards she associated with. She was eager to contribute to the army and offer any inside knowledge she knew about their opponents.

"Is anyone actually believing this?" spat Daisy.

"Why would I lie? I've literally risked everything to be here. I'm going against everything I know. My friends my family. Everybody who's ever loved me I'm betraying by being here. But now, especially with the help from Neville-" Neville flushed the same pink as Umbridge's usual attire. "I've learnt that I have a choice. I can have my own beliefs. I want to learn from someone who's fought the dark lord. When the time comes, I want to know how to defend myself. Because I'm on your side. And he's going to come after anyone who betrays him."

"Malfoy's a death eater, isn't he?" Harry demanded eagerly. Hermione rolled her eyes at the boy's determination to prove that he was working for Voldemort.

"I'm not knowledgeable in who's a death eater and who isn't, I've got no idea. But, since his family is pureblood, I don't doubt that he shares some of their beliefs and values qualities of the dark arts."

Harry gave Hermione a triumphant look. 

"I think the majority of people are happy to have you on board," Hermione said as she ignored Harry's look and glowered at Daisy. "And we are proud of how far you have came."

Vivienne's eyes glistened. "Thank you. No one has ever said they are proud of me before."

"Give me strength," grumbled Daisy.

"Daisy, if you have a problem you can leave," Hermione said hotly.

"I shouldn't be the one leaving!" she argued, firing up at once. Everyone was looking at her. "Does literally everyone here believe her sob story?" She glared back at the dozens of dismayed faces. Sheepishly, the majority of them nodded - the rest were too afraid to face Daisy's wrath. Daisy sighed and started gathering her things.

"Daisy, where are you going?" Neville called.

"To go and tell Umbridge what we're doing. Since she's going to tell her anyway."

"Daisy, you've made this joke before," Hermione said tiredly.

"Yeah, well, this time I'm serious!" she bellowed.

"Do you think I like Umbridge?" Vivienne spoke up. "Because I sure as hell don't."

"Who's Umbridge?" Velma said. The girl hadn't been mentally present for Vivienne's monologue and was instead looking out the window until she decided to listen.

"Velma, you know who she is. She's always in pink and is our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher?"

Comprehension dawned across her face. "I know a really big secret about her."

The whole group suddenly lost focus on Daisy's aggression and focused on Velma. 

"What is it?" demanded Ron.

"It's a massive secret like you're all going to be so shocked but luckily for you I was clever enough to find out her secret."

"Tell us then!" begged Harry, his mind whirring with the possible identity of Velma's secret. Would it be big enough to get her fired? 

"She's actually just Snape in a dress!"

"Come on, be serious now," said Seamus. The sandy haired boy was rocking on his tip toes in eagerness but stopped as still as a statue when Velma maintained her serious expression.

"That's the secret?" shouted Harry.

Velma nodded. "I knew it would shock you!"

"You're unbelievable," grumbled Vivienne, praying the ground would swallow her up due to the second hand embarrassment. 

"Have you ever seen either of them in the same room?" Velma quizzed. The excitement to prove them all wrong was evident in her voice.

"Yes!" cried Vivienne. 

And, on that note, Harry dismissed the class until next week. 

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