Introductions yaaay :3

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Heeeey, thanks for reading, stick around! Imma be your guide, y'know give you a little expo on the characters and all that jazz. Let's start with the basics ;)

A looong time ago, when the gods ruled, humanity was split in three; the gods, the humans and the monsters. Since the three groups didn't think of each other as equal, they began to form their own community's and eventually they didn't even acknowledge that the others existed. The gods stayed up in Olympus, the humans took control of most of the land and so the monsters were forced to either co-exist with the humans or head into the woods and seas. And so this high school was build for those who wished to co-exist, the high school of monsters.

A lot of monsters have come and gone while the high school is still here, although it's hidden with magic. Those who come through here are usually werewolves, a lot of vampires, succubi, some cyclops, elves, nature spirits, a few mermaids (they grow temporary legs when they're dry), a truckload of pixies, warlocks etc. etc. You name it and it's been here. It would actually be quicker to tell you the ones who don't come through here; angels and demons, because they are managed by the gods, zombies and ghosts because they are too human-like and rogue monsters because, well obviously, they are rogue and don't want to mingle with humans.

That's it for the boring history lessons!! So with that out of the way, onto the real introductions!

Nathan McCarthy:

18 years old. Came to monster high when he was 12. Tall, muscled, has brown fluffy hair, tanned skin color, green eyes with orange specks. He likes sport, food and is a sore loser. Monster form: Irish shape shifter, favorite form: tiger. Favorite foods: shepherds pie, red meat and peanuts. Secretly has a sweet tooth (shhhh don't tell anyone!). He is bisexual and uses it to his *ahem* full potential ;D

Daniel d'Anjou:

18 years old. Came to monster high this morning. Slender, not really long or short, has medium long white hair, pale skin and grey stormy eyes with a blue ring around the edge. He likes to play violin, swim and is very interested in 'dry land'. Monster form: french merman, his form: silver blue tail with small side fins. Favorite foods: candy, tuna sandwich and cookies. He is gay, but really shy and yet to have his first kiss :)

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