Seoyeon clutched his jacket with her hands, and kissed him back, not caring about the ringing of the school bell, not caring about anything but just the moment they were having together.

They pulled apart and Yibo rested his forehead on hers.

"Yibo you meant your words right? Do you... really like me?"

"I do! I like you a lot Seoyeon-ah, am sincere" Seoyeon smiled.

"I like you too" Yibo smiled while blushing slightly.

"You don't even know how long I waited for this moment Seoyeon. Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, I'd love to be" Seoyeon's answer made Yibo beam. He felt as if he's the happiest person alive. He leaned in and pecked Seoyeon's lips to then pull her in a hug, both giggling out of shyness and happiness.

A sound of a notification alert brought them back to earth.

Seoyeon pulled her phone out to find multiple texts from Aura.

<Oi! Where are you? ]

<The class is about to start ]

<Seoyeonie! ]

<reply wtf! You're making me worried ]

<are you okay? ]

"This girl got no chill" Seoyeon giggled.

"What about the class tho? We missed it"

"Well do you think I care about it at the moment?" Yibo replied, still keeping his hands around his girlfriend.

"Let's wait here for the class to get over so we can go tell others about us" Yibo suddenly became all shy and blushed.

"Okay but like I want to tell Aura before anyone"

"She's in class, do you think she'll reply" Seoyeon nodded.

"She must be worried anyway. So am gonna tell her right now"

[ Geez am okay! Am with Yibo right now>

< why are you both not attending classes? Has smth happened? ]

[ Yeah well... I actually want you to be the first one to know...>

<Know what? Are you pregnant or smth? :D ]

[ Wow>


[ well, yibo confessed>

[ and we're dating now>

<OMG ]

<What!? ]

<omg!! congratulations you both <33 ]

[ hehe thank you <33>

<where are you both? ]

[ in the janitor room, waiting for the class to get over>

<Ayy I literally want to run to you both and hug you both wtf]

<but am gonna wait till the class ends ]

<kay I'll meet you after class... I don't wanna get caught texting in the middle of the lesson ]

<enjoy your alone time guys, do smth pRoDuCTiVe]

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