"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" Jeongin said, leaning on the door frame of Chan's room.

"We've talked about this Innie, am not taking you to the movies today" Chan replied, not looking up from his laptop.

"This is bullshit!"

"Watch your language kiddo" Chan said, while Jeongin just groaned in annoyance and dragged himself back to his room.

Chan felt guilty. He had promised the younger boy to go to the movies with him but now here he was sitting with shit load of work. He worked in a cinematics company now and had a presentation to finish. He sighed. Oh how he missed his university days already, when he could enjoy a certainly carefree life. He had too much responsibilities now and tho the job was rewarding, it was really tiring as well.

As he typed continuously, his phone rang and he immediately picked up the call. It was the company secretary.

"Good evening Bangchan, I called up to inform you that the meeting date has been rescheduled, so you have two more days to finish the presentation. You can take your time" Chan's eyes instantly lit up upon hearing this. He thanked the person on the other side and hung up the call, yeeting away his laptop and going to Jeongin's room.

"Oh hyung, am sorry I acted childish. I should have understood you're busy. We can go to the movies some other day" Jeongin smiled.

"Eh no don't worry about that. The meeting got rescheduled so I have time to complete the presentation. Let's go to the movies" Chan said excitedly and Jeongin's eyes instantly lit up.

"Let's call the other guys as well" Jeongin said and Chan nodded aggressively.

Everyone agreed since they had nothing better to do anyways. The next day starts the weekend so it's not like they had to worry about school.

Chan booked the tickets for the seven of them and went to get ready. Seven because neither could Aura and Felix join since they were in Australia nor Seoyeon and Minho because they had to leave for their parents' house very early the next morning.


"Hyung can you pick me up on your way?" Hyunjin asked as he rummaged through his clothes for a decent outfit.

"Okay, be ready in 10. I am leaving my place now" Changbin said from the other side.

Hyunjin quickly thanked the elder boy and hung up the call. He settled on a red loose pullover sweater and a pair of black jeans.

As he waited for Changbin to arrive, he texted Aura, telling her about his movie plan with the others even tho she couldn't see his text now. He missed her so much already even when he met her just in the morning before she left. His face turned a crimson shade as he recalled the events of the early morning. How they both were breathless yet couldn't stop kissing each other. Hyunjin instinctively ran his fingers over his lips, the feeling of Aura's lips evident crystal clear.

Once he received Changbin's text, he left his home after waving his mom and Kkami a goodbye.

Both the boys sat in the cab side by side, heading to the movie theatre, where they were supposed to meet the rest.

"Hyung how long will it take Aura and Felix to reach there?" Hyunjin asked. He was impatient and wanted to hear his girlfriend's voice as soon as possible. Changbin looked at his phone to check the time. It was 7:04 pm.

"It'll take them about an hour more to land" Changbin answered, and Hyunjin nodded sighing. He wasn't used to Aura not being around him. For all these months that they had been dating for, hardly a day went by with them not seeing each other.

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