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6 years later

"Hyunnie hurry up, we're getting late" Aura nagged at her boyfriend as she stood waiting for him with Kkami in her arms.

"Yeah, coming baby" Hyunjin replied, rushing in the doorway with Hae in his arms.

Hae, another of their pet dog whom Hyunjin had got for Aura on their first anniversary. Aura's really fond of animals and so she was immensely happy when she first met Hae.

"Why are we leaving so early though? Isn't the get-together at 3?" Hyunjin asked, confused as to why Aura asked him to get ready much earlier than required.

"Am taking you somewhere before we go at Chan's" Aura flashed a smile as she exited the apartment, Hyunjin following behind.

After they both dropped Kkami and Hae at the day care center, Aura drove to Hyunjin's old home, the place where he lived with his mom.

"Wait, why are we here?" Hyunjin asked.

"What do you think of living in this house again?" Aura asked.

"What do you mean? Are we buying this house again?"

"We did actually. So Mr. Hwang, re-design or modify it however you want" Aura let out.

"Wait bitch what's going on?"

"I thought we would need a bigger home after marriage and I don't think there's any home better than this one" Aura said.

"Are you by chance-" Hyunjin stopped his sentence mid-way as Aura sat on one knee, with a tiny black box in one hand.

"We've spent enough time together to know the fact that we belong together. You're everything to me now and I see myself growing old with you. Wait-"

Aura took in a breathe. "-this proposal is getting way cheesier for my liking, so I'll just- Hwang Hyunjin, will you marry me?" She concluded, struggling to be on the ground any longer while Hyunjin just stared at her in shock.

"Aura, are you being for real right now?"

"Of course I am, and can you please answer quick? My knee is hurting" Hyunjin chuckled at Aura's words.

"Yes Lee Aura, I would love to marry you" Hyunjin answered as Aura put the ring in his finger, a big smile adorning her face.

Hyunjin helped Aura stand up and put his arms around her waist as he leaned in to kiss her.

"I love you" they both let out before sharing a sweet, loving kiss.

"Okay but what the fuck I've been carrying this with me since months, planning and re-planning the proposal but you just beat me to it" Hyunjin whined as he took out a tiny black box from his jacket as well.

"I tried to wait but you know patience and I don't go together in the same sentence" Aura said, chuckling as Hyunjin put the ring he got for her on her finger.

"So, are we engaged now?" Hyunjin asked, still not believing what just happened.

He had been wanting to get married to Aura for months, years if he could say but he felt he was rushing her and so he decided to wait and take things slow only for her to propose him unexpectedly.

"Yeah, we are I guess" Aura muttered, a red tint on her cheeks as Hyunjin gave her a genuine smile.

"Okay but I won't re-design the house alone. Let's do it together." Hyunjin said as Aura nodded.

Hyunjin was now an interior designer and he worked with Aura, who had always wanted to be an entrepreneur. 

They both had started their own Interior Designing company, where Aura was the founder and managing director while Hyunjin was the co-founder with his own team too. Their company was doing pretty big already.

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