Later that night when Seoyeon went to bed, she decided to watch some videos on YouTube when Aura's text popped up.

<yo ]
<yo ]
<Seoyeonie ]

[ yep, what happened? >

< what if the 'g' in 'gif' was silent? ]

[ wtf >
[ it's fucking 1 am Aura.. go to sleep>

< what gif I don't want to? ]


< am sorry-]

[ anyways, how was your practice with Hyunjin? :D>

< not as good as your kiss with yibo :D]


< oh but like, Hyunjin offered to help me with math. Like he'll teach me ]

[Ouu you both gonna study alone? >

< I mean yea obviously. I can't have ten people teaching me at the same time :) ]

[ bet something's gonna happen >

< bet am gonna kick your ass ]
<we're just gonna study. We don't feel anything for each other anyway ]

[ you don't feel anything for each other YET >

< yea whatever am going to sleep ]

[ yeah pls or else you'll pass out during your pRiVaTe lesson with Hyunjin >

<Good night :D ]

< I love you 🥺✨]

[ I love you too 🥺✨ >


After Felix was done making the breakfast, he went to check up on his sister who he woke up like 20 minutes ago and who still must be sitting in her bed with a blank face.

He entered her room to find her still in her bed, staring at the wall with a blank face. He wasn't surprised even a slightest bit. This honestly was what he was expecting.

"Hey peanut, how are you feeling today?" Felix asked.

"I haven't felt anything since the spring of 2010" Aura replied, still with a blank expression.

"......that's.... great? Uhh breakfast is ready. Get ready and come out if you don't wanna be late for school"


Aura and Felix walked to school hand in hand with Aura feeling more sleepy than usual and covering her mouth every two minutes to not let people see her yawning.

"Oof I really am not a morning person"

"Yeah I can see that clearly" Felix replied, chuckling and fixing Aura's hair, while Aura yawned again.

"Oh right! Is it okay if I come home a little late today?" Felix said.

"Yeah. Why tho? You don't have work today as far as I know"

"Yeah well... actually Changbin hyung said he wants to go hang out with me"

"Ahaan I see you guys getting real close" Felix blushed.

"Anyway I'll let you go if you promise to get me chocolates on your way back" Aura put forth her condition.

"Geez you and your love for chocolates. Okay I'll get them I promise" Aura beamed.

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