"Hyunjin?" Aura gasped as she saw Hyunjin at her doorstep. It was like 6 am in the morning and it was a surprise for Aura to see Hyunjin this early in the morning considering he was not a morning person.

"I wanted to see you before you leave for Australia" Hyunjin said in a low voice, making Aura smile fondly at him.

"Come inside" Aura took his hand and walked with Hyunjin to her room directly. She didn't want to wake Felix up.

"Have you eaten breakfast?" Aura asked.

"No, I wanted to eat with you" Hyunjin said, bringing Aura closer to himself.

"Thank you for coming" Aura looked up in Hyunjin's eyes.

"I'll miss you so much" Hyunjin sighed as he hugged Aura, burying his face in the crook of her neck. Aura caressed his head and tried to pull away to look at his beautiful face but Hyunjin refused, hugging Aura even more tight.

"Stay like this for a while please" he whispered as his breath fanned Aura's neck, giving her shivers down the spine.

"Hyunnie, am only going for a week. I'll be back soon.." Aura weaved her hand through his hair.

"This week would feel like an year to me" Hyunjin sighed. "By the way, I've got you something" he added.

Aura looked at him in confusion as Hyunjin took his own sweet time before finally taking out a grey hoodie of his from his bag.

"I assumed you'll miss me as much as I'll miss you so here, take my hoodie along" Hyunjin said as he handed over the cloth to Aura.

"Thank you so much Hyunjin" Aura let out the biggest smile possible. She brought the hoodie closer and breathed in, satisfied how Hyunjin's scent was very much evident.

"Give me a kiss" Hyunjin suddenly said. "I should have something as well so I don't die from missing you"

Aura giggled at how dramatic Hyunjin was being before keeping the hoodie on the bed and pulling him by his uniform tie, pressing a soft kiss on his lips.

"Make it kisses" Hyunjin whispered before attaching his lips with Aura's again, pulling her as close as he could. Aura totally gave in and put her arms around his neck as Hyunjin slightly pushed Aura backwards, not breaking the kiss.

As Aura's back met with the edge of her study table, they both pulled away before Hyunjin effortlessly lifted Aura up and sat her on the study table. He tuck a stray strand of her hair behind her ear and caressed her cheek with his thumb.

"Kiss me a lot so I can keep myself sane while you're away" Hyunjin said, breathless and looking straight into Aura's eyes, eyes that were filled with love, only for him. Aura smiled before putting her hands around his neck again, pulling him close as they kissed again.


Seoyeon stared at her phone screen, the multiple texts she had sent to Aura were yet not read. She sighed and went back to complete her drawing. How could my best friend be such a dumbass that she didn't charge her phone before leaving? Seoyeon rolled her eyes.

Seoyeon and Aura were back on speaking terms, but they sadly couldn't meet before Aura left, and now Seoyeon wanted nothing more than Aura to be back so they could give each other the warmest hug. Guess we gotta wait a week more. Seoyeon sighed.

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