"Seoyeonie? How are you home this early? Shouldn't you be at school right now?" Minho asked as he came back from the university and saw his sister in the kitchen, probably making some tea.

"Oh hi Minho! Yeah I just wasn't feeling well so I thought I should come home" Seoyeon lied, avoiding Minho's eyes.

"What's wrong?" Minho came closer to Seoyeon and touched her forehead.
"Your body temperature seems perfectly normal"

"Oh it's just- just a headache" another lie.

"Who bunks school for a headache? Tell me what's wrong Seoyeon. And be honest" Minho said sternly. Seoyeon sighed, aware that Minho would be disappointed once she tells him about the day's events.

"Aura and I got into an argument" Seoyeon said, looking down at the floor.

"C'mon stop joking. Be honest" Minho let out a small chuckle. He definitely didn't believe Seoyeon's words. Aura and Seoyeon fighting was something no one would actually believe.

"Am being honest. We both fought and now I feel terrible" Minho's expressions instantly changed.

"Tell me everything" Minho asked, holding Seoyeon by the shoulders. Seoyeon sighed and narrated everything to her brother.

"I don't think I have to tell you what went wrong. You both are mature enough to understand both of you are equally at fault" Minho said, pulling Seoyeon into a hug once he heard what Seoyeon had to say.

"What do I do now?" Seoyeon asked, clutching Minho's shirt at the sides.

"Maybe take some time to reflect upon yourself? I promise it'll all be fine soon" Minho said, caressing Seoyeon's hair.

"C'mon let's watch a movie!" Minho suggested.


"Do you think Seoyeon hates me now?" Aura asked Felix as they both sat in the living room, watching TV.

"No. Seoyeon still loves you, but even tho what she said was completely wrong, she has all rights to be mad at you because you do know what you said was very wrong as well" Felix said and Aura sighed.

"I know. It's just- I don't know, those words just left my mouth in the heat of the moment. I kind of wasn't expecting her to say what she said" Aura looked down at her hands that rested in her lap. She was feeling really guilty for the way she acted earlier in the day.

"Look peanut" Felix faced his sister, taking her hand in his.
"I know you feel really hurt and insecure right now. But please know Seoyeon never meant those words. She loves you too much to actually say something like that to you intentionally" Aura nodded at Felix's words.

"Do you... really think I don't deserve Hyunjin? I mean, if we think of it, Hyunjin could've been with a girl that's much better than me. Now he's stuck with my ugly ass" Aura was tearing up. Everything that happened was too overwhelming for her.

"WHAT? NO! Aura, no one deserves Hyunjin more than you do alright? Please stop thinking about this. Hyunjin is happy with you and I know this because he can't stop bragging about how much he loves his life ever since you stepped in it. And you're beautiful okay? What makes you think you're ugly?"

"I know I am not pretty! The girls at school also say that. They say Hyunjin could've been with a girl that's much prettier" Aura said as tears rolled down her cheeks. She has always been very insecure about herself. She was never able to love herself no matter how hard she tried. She was never able to see the good in her and it sometimes became really frustrating for her.

"Look Aura, those dumb girls don't get to decide who is pretty and who isn't. You are beautiful and I'd do anything to make you see that. About Seoyeon, you can take some time if you want and then apologise to her for what you said. Am sure she's probably feeling really guilty as well"

"I hope we don't go to bed without solving this argument" Aura sighed.


Hyunjin and Yibo were both in the dance studio. It was pretty usual for them to go to the studio and practice together considering how both of them were so passionate about dancing.

As both the boys were taking a little break after an exhausting dance routine, Yibo began, carefully putting the words that had been roaming in his mind since earlier in the day.

"Hyunjinie, umm are you sure Aura isn't lying about the rumours?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well you know, uh Aura said she isn't hanging out with you when you both clearly had plans. I mean it's not at all wrong, but it hurt Seoyeon that Aura lied" Hyunjin let out a huge sigh upon hearing Yibo's words.

"Aura didn't lie Yibo. She herself didn't know we're gonna spend time together. It was I, who paid her a surprise visit" Hyunjin explained.

"And about the rumours, do you really think Aura would do such a cheap thing? And that too to her best friend?" Hyunjin was slightly annoyed about how Yibo, who was such a close friend of Aura, was doubting her.

"I know she won't do something like that but it's just- I can't see Seoyeon hurt" Yibo said.

"I understand. For all I know, talking shit about Seoyeon behind her back is the last thing my Aura would do" Hyunjin said, determined to defend his girl.

The amount of trust Hyunjin had in Aura, and the way he was ready to fight anyone for his girlfriend warmed Yibo's heart.

"You love her a lot right?" Yibo said, chuckling how Hyunjin got flustered at the sudden question. He nodded shyly.

"Do you think you love her enough to think about a future with her? Because I do with Seoyeon" Yibo admitted as his ears turned red. Hyunjin smiled at his best friend's red face.

"Aura and I, both lost our first kisses to each other and at that moment, I knew I wanted a forever with her" Hyunjin said with a smile, remembering the day he first kissed Aura.

Later that night, Seoyeon was done taking a shower and was lying on her bed, scrolling through her phone. Minho had been extremely caring and clingy to her throughout the day. Not that he was usually any different, but today, he was being extra cuddly.

Seoyeon laid there, staring at the screen, her fingers hovering over Aura's contact. Finally, she decided to leave her a text. She knew Aura would be asleep at this time and only see her text tomorrow. That gives her enough time to type her a long ass message. Seoyeon had made a decision and she thought it was the best for the both of them.


"Aura wake up! It's a big day for the both of us today!" Felix said, entering Aura's room and pulling her blanket away. Aura squirmed around until she finally woke up.

"Ah what a relief, I woke up alive" Aura muttered, making Felix chuckle.

"C'mon go shower. We can't be late today" Felix said, leaving Aura's room to let her get ready. It was the day when the sports events take place. Felix had his taekwondo match, while Aura had her basketball match.

The siblings were ready before time so they decided to pass some time before they finally have to leave their home. Aura got sprawled on the couch and took her phone out. She sat up instantly as she saw she had a text from Seoyeon.

It was a long ass text but the words basically said that Seoyeon felt she was toxic for Aura and so she decided she'll take a break so she could reflect upon herself.

"So we won't be talking to each other for almost a week or two?" Aura mumbled as she read the last line of the text. She let out a groan. This was not what she wanted.

"All I wanted was both of us to apologise and be back to normal" she said, her voice cracking as some tears left her eyes.

If only I apologised to you yesterday

Aura was feeling terribly guilty and sad. She couldn't even stay a day without talking to Seoyeon. How was she supposed to spend a week without talking to her?

Not me describing the after effects in here of my first argument with my irl bestie 😀

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