You Kept This?

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You stood under the shower and felt the warm water fall onto your skin. The warmth of the bathroom felt so good, it was what you needed after a long day of snow and... other things. The steam filled the room, creating a cloudy experience around you. You ran your hands through your wet hair, thinking about what Draco could have had planned for the two of you. It was already 9pm, and it was dark outside. Where could you possibly go at this time?

You looked around and spotted Draco's body wash and opened it. It smelt like strawberries, that would explain the amazing aroma that you could smell on his body. You honestly didn't even know he liked strawberries. You applied the body wash over your skin, now you could smell him all the time on your own body.

While in the shower, you had thought that maybe Draco would come inside and join you, or at least you hoped he would. He must just really respect your privacy. Quickly, you finished up and stepped out of the shower, patting yourself dry. You looked into the mirror and smiled as you wrapped your towel around your body and stepped out. Draco, laying back on the bed, waiting patiently for is turn, looked up at you and froze. "Woah..." he whispered under his breath, but loud enough for you to hear it. You giggled at his reaction and walked closer to him. "What" you shoved his shoulder lightly. He suddenly grabbed you by the waist and say you on his lap, as you struggled to keep ahold of your towel. Your faces were inches apart. "You need to shower too.." you spoke.
"I don't want to go though" he said, looking at your lips. He pressed a kiss on your lips and held you close to him. He leaned in and out his head on your shoulder. "Mmm is that my body wash?" He moaned, smelling your skin. "It smells better on you than on me" Again, you giggled at his words, and pushed his head of you, making yourself stand up.

"Come on! We can't waste more time here if we actually want to get anything done!" You ordered him. He smiled at you and stood up, walking to the bathroom door. "Now go put some clothes on, or you might make me act up" he laughed before closing the door of the bathroom. You needed to quickly run to your dorm to get your clothes, so you put Draco's robe over you and closed the front, hoping you wouldn't encounter anyone on the way. You quickly ran through the corridors to get to your room, and closed the door behind you as you got in. Rummaging through your box, you found a simple black dress, with a patterned lace over it, and took it out. You grabbed your pair of black heeled boots, a bit of your makeup, and left the room.

As you entered back in Draco's room, you heard he was still showering. You quickly put your clothes on and started getting ready, applying your makeup. You still didn't know where the two of you were going, so you tried to dress quite neutrally. You heard Draco shouting from the bathroom, "y/n, can you pass me my towel?" You stood up to look for it. "Where is it?" You asked back. "It should be in the drawers next to my bed" he shouted back. You walked over to the drawers and opened up the first one, and froze. It was almost empty. Except for the few petals and a piece of paper that lay in there.

You picked up a single petal and held it close to your eyes. It was a black petal, and looked like it was from a rose. You put the petal back down and reached for the paper, pulling out the drawer and letting the petals fall off of it. It was the drawing you did of Draco. He had kept it. After all this time, he still had it. You had completely forgotten about it, so many things happened after it that this one drawing had slipped your mind. You stood still and stared at the paper, your hands slightly trembling.

Draco poked his head out from the bathroom. "Hey y/n did you find it?" He asked, before cutting himself off as he looked at you. He saw the paper in your hand. You looked back down at the petals, and realised they were the same ones from the rose you had found in the hospital wing. So it really was his rose after all. Slowly, you turned your body to face him. "You..... kept this?" You asked, almost whispering, in hopes to prevent your voice from cracking. He looked at you for a moment and didn't speak. Then, he looked around and grabbed his t shirt from before, and tied it around his waist, attempting to cover up his naked body in some way.

"Of course I did.... you made it for me" he gently spoke. The water dripped from his hair to the floor. You looked down, trying to avoid his eye contact. "I love that drawing a lot, and it reminds me of the day you made it too. Plus, it was the only thing I had to remind me of you" he softly spoke, and placed his hand on your cheek. "It used to be up on my wall, but I had to remove it after we fell out with each other, it would only remind me of all the horrible memories and not the good ones" you looked up at him, not believing what he was saying. "But... but that's not possible.... I mean I drew this so long ago... that was way you before you...." you trailed off and didn't finish your sentence.

"Before I..?" He tried to get you to finish the sentence. "Before I started liking you?" He asked. You nodded. "Y/n... you know that I liked you for all of that time, right? I know that I did things I shouldn't have... but that doesn't mean I didn't or don't still love you" you looked at your feet. You couldn't convince yourself that he was telling the truth. "Do you still not believe me when I say I love you?" He said with a frown, and your lack of eye contact answered his question. With both hands, he held your arms."Tell me Y/n, what do I need to do to prove to you that I loved you, and will always love you?" He practically begged you. You set the drawings down on the bed, hoping the water dripping from his body wouldn't damage it.

You softly removed his hands from your arms and turned away from him. "It's not that I don't believe you... I just can't seem to accept it. I don't know why. I want to believe you, I really do. But I just can't" you whispered. Draco sighed quietly before remembering something. "Wait" he spoke, before quickly throwing his clothes on. He walked out of the room and walked back in after a minute, holding something in his hand. You watched him, perplexed.

"Do you remember the truth serums we made at the start of the year? Well, I never used mine. Maybe I could use it now and prove to you that I've always loved you. Should I?"

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